You may refuse, and they'll put you on the first flight back.
The novel Little Brother by Cory Doctorow comes to mind.
One PIN would log you into your real account, another PIN into a decoy account, and no indication of the other one existing.
That does not exist in the real world.
They'd be taking out the core and putting in tulip bulbs instead 🌷🌷🌷
Yeah, I was expecting the size of those 200-ton dump trucks. This is small in comparison.
Such an annoying rich baby.
Teams (Classic), actually.
Like US politics... 🤮
How so? What does this do?
I recently started with fish and dislike that I can't drop bash commands into it because it parses differently. That is enough to annoy me to uninstall.
Preaching to the choir.
Some EU countries (and the City of Munich) habe tried to shift from MS to Linux. It didn't pan out, but maybe this is the decade where it could be done?
Imagine getting EU funding to run basically the EU IT department - best Linux, best management, supporting open Office suites, and establishing an EU cloud operation. One can dream, right?
I guess it didn't work well last time partly because of re-training needs, interoperability issues, etc.
This is the $5 wrench, right?