Interesting I've had the opposite experience. All the psychiatrists I've met, worked with, and been treated by have been kind and wonderful. The only bad experience I've had has been dealing with a cruel PhD psychologist, who I think just hates men because of something in her past and took it out on the people she had power over.
How has it taken this long for anyone to act on this obvious walking bag of conflict of interest?
It's actually an incredibly based idea, but the public is too stupid to recognize it.
Newsome is a slimy dirtbag, like every other current Democratic leader. And I say that after voting for Kamala. AOC and buttigiege are the only two I would vote for.
I honestly think the "better" thing to do is stay inside and try to sabotage the aggressors. This would obviously require a great deal of cunning and bravery.
Good luck with your accupuncture and herbal tea whenever your appendix explodes 🤣
I've had this problem and I've done the same laundry dance. It is extremely stressful.
Some laws need to be broken. No government is going to allow you to legally overthrow them.
Those cupcakes need some icing!
There's also a reason for imperial measurements, but it's still a worse system than metric.