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[–] Pipoca 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Corporations buy housing because they beleive its a good investment.

Right now, they're right. But a lot of that is because it's legally hard to build enough new housing to keep up with demand in many cities because most of their area is zoned exclusively for mcmansions.

Housing in the middle of nowhere being cheap if you can't get a good job in the middle of nowhere.

[–] Pipoca 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Javascript is generally considered OOP, but classes weren't widely available till 2017.

Inheritance isn't fundamental to OOP, and neither are interfaces. You can have a duck- typed OOP language without inheritance, although I don't know of any off the top of my head.

Honestly, the more fundamental thing about OOP is that it's a programming style built around objects. Sometimes OO languages are class based, or duck typing based, etc. But you'll always have your data carrying around it's behavior at runtime.

[–] Pipoca 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If you'd like to look up more about the origins of PIE, look up the Kurgan Hypothesis, which suggests that Proto-Indoeuropean originated on the steppes.

Basically everything we know about PIE, we know from looking at its descendants. If a word appears in multiple unrelated branches, it's probably from the common ancestor. Particularly if there's consistent sound changes on one or more branches.

For example, it seems that a lot of PIE words with a p morphed into f in germanic languages. So, given the English father, Dutch Vader, Old Saxon fadar, Latin pater, Sanskrit pitar, Old Persian pita, etc. we can figure out that father goes back to some original PIE word which was probably something like pəter.

Similarly, we see similar words for salmon both in Germanic and Slavic. And in the extinct Tocharian language, the word for fish in general was laks. Lox originating only 1500 years ago means that the Slavic and Tocharian would be a pretty strange coincidence.

[–] Pipoca 6 points 1 year ago

keeping state (data) and behavior (functions) that operate on that state, together

Importantly, that's "together at runtime", not in terms of code organization. One of the important things about an object is that it has dynamic dispatch. Your object is a pointer both to the data itself and to the implementation that works on that data.

There's a similar idea that's a bit different that you see in Haskell, Scala, and Rust - what Haskell calls type classes. Rust gives it a veneer of OO syntax, but the semantics themselves are interestingly different.

In particular, the key of type classes is keeping data and behavior separate. The language itself is responsible for automagically passing in the behavior.

So in Scala, you could do something like

def sum[A](values: List[A])(implicit numDict: Num[A]) = values.fold(numDict.+)(numDict.zero)


def sum[A: Num](values: List[A]) = values.fold(_ + _)(zero)

Given a Num typeclass that encapsulates numeric operations. There's a few important differences:

  1. All of the items of that list have to be the same type of number - they're all Ints or all Doubles or something

  2. It's a list of primitive numbers and the implementation is kept separate - no need for boxing and unboxing.

  3. Even if that list is empty, you still have access to the implementation, so you can return a type-appropriate zero value

  4. Generic types can conditionally implement a typeclass. For example, you can make an Eq instance for List[A] if A has an Eq instance. So you can compare List[Int] for equality, but not List[Int => Int].

[–] Pipoca 4 points 1 year ago

The Italian word for earth is la terra, while in Spanish it's la tierra.

Does it make any sense to say that one language had it first? Both are directly from Latin terra.

English, German, Dutch, Swedish, etc. all descend from a common ancestor, Proto- Germanic. There's a lot of vocabulary they all inherited from it.

[–] Pipoca 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

8k years ago, the distant ancestor of English was spoken on the steppes of Ukraine.

Their word for salmon was laks.

That became the English lox, Swedish lax, German lachs, Lithuanian lašiša, Russian losos, and Polish łosoś.

[–] Pipoca 16 points 1 year ago

Yes, English didn't exist 8000 years ago. Instead, there was a language called Proto-Indoeuropean spoken on the steppes of Ukraine. Just like how Latin spread and local dialects slowly became Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, etc., PIE spread out and its descendants became Greek, Sanskrit, Russian, Latin, German, etc.

Part of what happened over time was sound shifts. For example, PIE p morphed into an f in Proto-Germanic. Father and the Latin word pater go back to the same PIE root word, but father exhibits the sound change of p -> f you saw in Germanic languages.

Similarly, Spanish has a sound change where f changed into h. So the Latin word fabulari (to chat) became hablar in Spanish and falar in Portuguese.

The point of the article is that the PIE word for salmon, laks, by random chance didn't really morph much in Germanic languages. So you have lax, lox, lachs, etc.

Interestingly, the Old English word for salmon was leax, and that made its way into Middle English and early Modern English as lax. It died out in favor of the French-derived salmon, and then we borrowed lox back from Yiddish.

It's like if beef entirely replaced cow, then we borrowed back koe or kuh from Dutch or German.

[–] Pipoca 13 points 1 year ago

Ah, yes, that's why the French still speak perfect Latin.

Yes, old grammar textbooks have been an incredibly important resource for linguists, particularly for reconstructing ancient pronunciations. They're useful for teaching historians etc. Old French or whatever.

But we generally haven't been terribly successful at beating students into using obsolete grammar rules and to stop using modern grammatical innovations.

[–] Pipoca 8 points 1 year ago

Yep, 8,000 years ago laks meant any type of fish, living or prepared food.


From what I've seen, 8000 years ago it meant salmon. Today, in English it means smoked salmon.

It's a surprisingly minor shift for 8k years.

[–] Pipoca 12 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Which is why it's one of the hardest languages to learn, there wasn't even a noble population who were helping rules be set logically, it's a slang language.

Which languages had nobles changing the rules of the language to be logical, and beat the peasantry until they repeated their absurd shibboleths?

Proscriptivists have existed in many languages, English included. They've basically always been tilting at windmills.

Governments tend to be most effective at killing languages wholesale, rather than systemically changing grammar. And it's something that's been far more effective in the past couple hundred years as part of nation- building projects. E.g. the efforts of France, Italy and Spain to squash minority languages like Occitan, Galician or Neapolitan.

[–] Pipoca 38 points 1 year ago

According to etymonline,

Lax. Noun. "salmon," from Old English leax (see lox). Cognate with Middle Dutch lacks, German Lachs, Danish laks, etc.; according to OED the English word was obsolete except in the north and Scotland from 17c., reintroduced in reference to Scottish or Norwegian salmon.

It's weird in that lax died ~400 years ago, then was borrowed back ~100 years ago into American English from Yiddish-speaking immigrants.

It's a weird loanword in that it was a loaned obsolete word that underwent some semantic narrowing in the loan.

[–] Pipoca 7 points 1 year ago

Important words undergo sound changes all the time.

For example, in Germanic languages, Proto Indoeuropean p sounds consistently morphed into f sounds. So the PIE word pods became Proto Germanic fots became English foot. pəter became fader became father. The preposition per became fur became for.

Lox is mostly unusual in that it didn't have any major sound changes affect it in Germanic languages.

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