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[–] Pipoca 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I see e.g. https://nltimes.nl/2023/08/01/trauma-surgeons-express-concern-e-bike-accidents-among-elderly

Dutch trauma surgeons have raised concerns over the rising number of elderly people suffering severe injuries from electric bicycle accidents, AD reported on Tuesday.

While some injuries result from collisions, most accidents are unilateral, caused by incidents like falling from a stationary position or losing control due to high speed,

It sounds like it's particularly impacting 65+ year old men - the same types who die from breaking a hip slipping and falling while walking.

I'm not sure to what degree this is caused by ebikes encouraging them to keep biking when they should have stopped, or ebikes just being more dangerous when they fall over.

[–] Pipoca 4 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Many more accidents than what?

More accidents than traditional bikes per passenger mile, or passenger hour?

More accidents on ebikes than 5 years ago on account of more people buying them?

[–] Pipoca 5 points 10 months ago (10 children)

There's biking and there's biking.

In the Netherlands, for example, people wear helmets if they're doing bike sports like road racing or BMX.

But if they're just cruising down the street on their granny bike to get groceries, they don't bother because that's fairly safe.

It's rather like the need for a seatbelt on the highway, vs the need for a seatbelt on a 25 mph neighborhood street.

[–] Pipoca 2 points 10 months ago

Yeah, it doesn't really belong in the 'no' column. It's not an appropriate cat food because it's not nutritionally complete.

So it's rather like how just eating bread or cornmeal that don't have added vitamins will give you scurvy or pellagra. But obviously they're not poisonous or anything and most of the world eats them without a problem.

[–] Pipoca 3 points 10 months ago

I mean, this is mostly about treats, so...

Cats being obligate carnivores means most of their calories must come from meat because they e.g. can't synthesize taurine like a human or dog can. But eating a bit of cat grass isn't gonna kill them.

[–] Pipoca 3 points 10 months ago

They particularly look like diffraction spikes/starbursts.

Astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma or smudged glasses can cause you to see starbursts when you look at bright lights at night.

[–] Pipoca 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Depends on how the product is described and what the warranty covers.

Like, if these are sold as decorative art pieces, swinging them around probably voids the warranty.

[–] Pipoca 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The only problem is that the functional replica anime sword section is probably going to be entirely empty. They're basically all decorative wall hangers.

They'll differ in build quality, though. Some might break if you swing them hard, others might break if you hit something with them.

[–] Pipoca 6 points 10 months ago


In particular, you ask questions like "what type of steel is this made out of" and "what kind of tang does it have".

[–] Pipoca 18 points 10 months ago

Yeah. Power plants are nowhere near 90% efficient.

It's worth emphasizing, though, that they're still way, way more efficient than car engines are.

Also, regenerative breaking saves a lot of energy. Basically, instead of using the motor to increase the cars speed, you use it as a generator to recharge the battery.

[–] Pipoca 6 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Many of these swordlike objects aren't made to be swung, and are liable to break if you try it.

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