You do know that isn’t how licenses work?
Probably just bone spurs
That is a 3lb chicken. Cornish cross chickens (which is what they would be using for something like this)would be slaughtered at 9-10 weeks which would make them 10-14 lbs.
So using your ratios above, 1 chicken yields 4.5 lbs of cooked meat, which means 7,333.333333333333 chickens.
It’s substantial less chickens.
Although the amount of harvested meat would be higher because they grind everything into a paste as you noted.
Most of those online only banks subcontract out the banking part to a real bank
They were never intended to have 100% of the teller/check stands open.
It’s for surge and holidays, if you go in on Black Friday or other super busy times, you’ll see a vast majority opened.
It also makes counting easier, if 1 person uses a drawer and it’s off, it’s easier to hold a person accountable, rather than if 5 people used it
You can use Apple Music and an Apple Watch from android.
Ignore them.
Unless you are in a store where you are a member (Costco, etc) or are stopped by LP, you don't actually need to hand over your receipt.
Stores do have shopkeepers privilege for stopping shoplifters, but usually it requires witnessing the event directly.
A receipt checker wouldn't witness it so you can usually ignore them.
Bonus, if they try to physically stop you, you due the store
Or can't understand anything about computers.
It's thinly veiled misogyny
Actually, dell and Lenovo charge a large enterprise tax.
It's typically cheaper to buy a gaming laptop vs a similarly specced "enterprise" laptop.
There is little difference between them, other than "enterprise drivers" (which are just signed drivers) and some virtualization differences. Neither of which are required for a lawyer.
But sure, I bet a law firm has some nephew picking laptops and doesn't just allocate out laptops
Defaults are very important.
The jetbrains default hotkeys is in direct conflict to the "typical defaults" for hotkeys you see in the world
Just why….?