
joined 2 years ago
[–] Phoenixbouncing 2 points 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

I can totally see that asking women to abandon feminist terminology in light of the overturning of roe vs wade and other setbacks is a tall ask, even if I feel that more gender neutral phrasings might help bridge the devide (that said they might also just encourage the people pushing these attacks through). I should also state that it's not up to me to tell anyone what to call things, my reaction is my own and they certainly don't owe me anything.

Thank you for the article. It's a really interesting read, and I agree with what is written regarding toxic masculinity as it pertains to men's behaviours. I find it also interesting that one of the reasons the author didn't like the term was that they thought that it would distract from other gender imbalances. I personally feel that we need more precision here, so limiting toxic masculinity to the cases where men are being toxic is exactly what's needed.

I also agree that some people will take offence no matter what, so I can see that there is an argument for not wasting brain power on name changes that don't change the fundamental issue.

That said I disagree with the idea that there can't be a good healthy masculinity, in the same way that there can be healthy feminity.

Chances are the healthy versions of both are much closer to the mean than the unhealthy versions, but experience both in my personal relationships as well as observing the relationships of others, either heterosexual, homosexual makes me feel that you will always have a certain dichotomy in relationships.

That said there is no reason the lady couldn't be the more "masculine", for lack of a better word, partner, but that will also require an evolution of social norms and what we find attractive, and we are no where near that yet.

Finally, regarding the situation in France, on some fronts things are pretty good. There are equal pay laws, a minister in charge of gender equality and men get 4 weeks paid paternity leave when we (or our SO) has a baby (they get 3 months). We've also moved to "parent 1", "parent 2" rather than father and mother. The family justice system also privileges split custody (and having been through the system twice, I can tell you that this isn't just words, plural of anecdote isn't data YMMV but that's my experience even if I've read the contry online)

On the other hands, there's still a pay gap, promotions are still harder for women, we have a far right problem like everyone else (the 2027 presidential election will be interesting) and there is a major domestic violence problem that isn't going away (1/3 of all murders IIRC are domestic).

Since you talked about gender neutral terms, that's another item that's hot in France. French is a traditionally genderd language: Adjectives have to accord with their subject in number and gender, there is no "they" singular or plural and in case of pluriels, the masculine form is used in case of conflict, so a couple would be masculine plural.

Certain feminists have tried to change this by creating a they (iel as a mixture of il and elle) and using the median point to mash masculine and feminine versions of adjectives together, so "the man and the women were big and beautiful" would be "Les hommes et les femmes étaient grand•e•s et b•eaux•elles" rather than "grands et beaux" (I've taken an extreme example but the point stands)

Needless to say this isn't universally loved and has become a major battle ground, between those who want the new system, those who want the old, and those who would rather something less barbaric as an alternative (say "grand(e)s et beaux/belles")

Finally, I've found the masculinist term mainly on french subreddits where it's used to describe someone who belongs to mysoginistic social circles (what is often called the manosphere).

[–] Phoenixbouncing 7 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I'm going to scratch a pet peeve here, but I feel that a lot of the issues come down to what is essentially bad marketing.

Using the term 'feminist' to describe pushing for gender equality and an end to gender based discrimination (and according to certain schools of thought men can't even be feminist but can only attain the lesser rank of "ally").

Using the term 'masculinist' to mean, not pushing for gender equality and an end to gender based discrimination but rather as a synonyme for misogynist.

Using the term 'toxic masculinity' which has been applied to toxic behaviors by people of all genders.

Using the term 'patriarchy' to define the old gender normes that hurt every one, men, women and other genders alike.

If we want to reach the young buys today we have to stop (even subconsciously) gender shaming them but rather showing them what it really means to be a man in 2023: A man who is present at home and at work, who shares in running the house and taking care of the children (not just "educating" them when their older, which is an outdated and frankly toxic trend), showing them also how to be vulnerable. A man who supports his partner, respects his/her boundaries but also makes sure his own boundaries are respected. A man who stands up for what he believes is right.

In short we need to give positive examples and role models.

If we don't show them a path to what they can become, and how they can grow and flourish, they will be easy pickings to people who lure them in with false promises of simple solutions.

[–] Phoenixbouncing 2 points 2 years ago

C'est le transcription (sans doute automatique) de la vidéo. Quelqu'un à télécharger les sous-titres de youtube et à copiée-collé.

Ensuite, l'auteur soulève souvent de bons points même s'il a tendance à partir trop en vrille.

Ici, je pense qu'il oublie la troisième option (vu que c'est de Macron qu'on parle et pas de quelqu'un de particulièrement calé en géopolitique): ramener les troupes en France et continuer de faire comme si Poutin était un dirigeant avec qui on peut raisonner....

[–] Phoenixbouncing 5 points 2 years ago

Parceque un porc ou un boeuf ça design aussi l'animal.

[–] Phoenixbouncing 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Nvidia 1060 for graphics, got it back in 2017 and haven't seen the need to upgrade.

If I do change it, I'd be tempted to go AMD, but blender compatibility does have me worried.

[–] Phoenixbouncing 10 points 2 years ago

Yes and no.

The simple fact that you're not using IE6 on MSN with Bing search to access a Windows server is more or less proof that the constraints placed on Microsoft at that time did actually have an impact (even if I felt robbed that the company wasn't split up at the time).

Today the one thing Microsoft is still dominante in is Office software (and even then Google docs is snapping at their heals).

OS? Android is more popular than windows Server OS? Linux rules the roost Browser? Chrome

The company that really needs scrutiny ATM is Google.

[–] Phoenixbouncing 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

You got it wrong, it's:

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

(no not all conservatives/climate change deniers are narcissists but the overlap is interesting)

[–] Phoenixbouncing 3 points 2 years ago

That said the population is in that special place thats generally called FUBAR BUNDY.

The population will not recover before generations and will probably stabilise at if not preindustrial levels, at least 1950s, and that's without the war.

Not sure this is the best way to go about repopulation though....

[–] Phoenixbouncing 3 points 2 years ago

Je sais que c'est une film d'animation mais 'Into the spiderverse' avait le mérite d'innover côté visuel, et était bien construit.

Ensuite, ça va bien faire 10 ans que les films originaux (aka pas d'univers étendue, pas de suite) se font rares.

[–] Phoenixbouncing 4 points 2 years ago

I'd totally be down for that kind of community.

DM me if you set it up too.

[–] Phoenixbouncing 12 points 2 years ago

The point is that they've established a relationship between o16 levels and temperature, so if you've got twice the o16 then say it was 25% warmer (made up ratio, I haven't read the study).

This doesn't tell us what the air temperature was, but it does tell us what it wasn't (IE upper and lower bounds).

When you have several of these proxies it helps narrow down the temperature range (think how your god works better when you have more satellites).

Now if you know that the last seven days are the hottest on record and you know from your proxies that you are outside of temperatures of the past 100k years then it's a pretty safe bet to state that we're at the hottest time in the past 100k years.

There is no melodrama or lying in this fact, unfortunately.

[–] Phoenixbouncing 2 points 2 years ago (11 children)

Retente avec un protón récente, je ne garantie rien mais je sais qu'il y a eu énormément de travail de ce côté là.

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