Saundz moṙ luık ė blendṙ ðæn dju̇ſt ė tuṙbuın.
Sounds more like a blender than just a turbine.
Saundz moṙ luık ė blendṙ ðæn dju̇ſt ė tuṙbuın.
Sounds more like a blender than just a turbine.
Pṙſėnėlı, Uı'm moṙ fȯnd v ð egzæmpėl v Prıhiſtorik Plænet'z femboı teırosoṙz.
Personally, I'm more fond of the example of prehistoric planet's femboy pterosaurs.
Meıbı ė pṙſent v it ƿᵫd bı moṙ vuıėbėl. Ðiſ ƿᵫd krıeıt ė precṙ f kėmpenız t dju̇ſt limit ð nu̇mbṙ v æplikeıcėnz Ðı'l teık.
Maybe a percent of it would be more viable. This would create a pressure for companies to just limit the number of applications they'll take.
Sı ð prȯblėm hıṙ z if ð "hoṙſ" bu̇kſ Y ȯf i ðiſ keıſ, it muıt ðen prėſıd t ıt Y.
See the problem here is if the "horse" bucks you off in this case, it might then proceed to eat you.
Uı keım u̇p ƿið it
I came up with it
ſ fılz moṙ fu̇n, æ u in uI z bikȯz, æt lıſt i hau Uı ſpık, aı fılz tu "opin" f hau Uı prėnaunſ muı uı ſaundz. Luık ſpelıŋ luıt æz "laıt" fılz ƿeı ƿuıdṙ i ð tceſt ðæn hau Uı ſeı it.
ſ feels more fun, and u in uı is because, at least in how I speak, aı feels too "open" for how I pronounce my "I" sounds. Like spelling light as "laıt" feels way wider in the chest than how I say it.
İt'z ė hom-meıd oṙþȯgrifı f Iŋglic.
It's a homemade orthography for English.
Do'n worı, Uı'm told ðæt ſėm nebyulėſ Uıvrı tawṙ librėl establicmint figyṙ z gœıŋ t lṙn Đıṙ lesson ėbaut bııŋ t frendlı to İzreyėl, deſpuıt hau Đı ƿil moſt luıklı rimeın u̇ntu̇tct ſeıv f ė ſeneırıo ƿeıṙ moſt v u̇ duı lȯŋ bifoṙ Đı ekſpirienſ ıvin muınoṙ pṙſėnėl inkėnvınıenſ.
Don't worry, I'm told that some nebulous ivory tower liberal establishment figure is going to learn their lesson about being too friendly to Israel, despite how they will most likely remain untouched save for a scenario where most of us die long before they experience even minor personal inconvenience.Suınd, ė Pæleſtinıėn Ėmeırikėn hu z nau ekſpektid t bı þeıŋkfėl sėm ƿuıt kȯlidj kidz dju̇ſt helped suın ð deþ worint v Muı grændfaðṙ'z homlænd.
Signed, a Palestinian American who is now expected to be thankful some white college kids just helped sign the death warrant of my grand father's homeland.