It might also help with the potential problem of entire communities being eradicated by rogue actions from an instance admin, or instance issues in general. If the community is spread out across multiple instances, it can weather problems on its "main" instance without being as easily dispersed.
Taking it out, more like
Good question. Maybe they did it deliberately to make it feel more alien and strange? Or maybe there's another rule about the relative number of syllables (e.g., Tom and Jerry, Jak and Daxter, etc.)
Yeah, it's happening to me as well. Went a few pages into all/hot and the links are all from 1-3 years ago. Must be some kind of bug with the feed algorithm. Lemmy seems to be full of fun surprises. :)
That's the neat part, you don't!
That's what they want you to think. (not sure if I'm being sarcastic or not)
Even if that's true, once they become a part of the ecosystem, they will start looking for ways to dominate it. That's just the nature of for-profit corporations.
IIRC, that was even formally discouraged by rediquette - the idea being that such a reply is not meaningfully different from just giving an upvote.
If you're talking about tracking cookies, I'm sure Reddit has plenty of them.
I even got an error page the first time I tried to load this post. Just like old times! 🥲
Makes me wonder if that's what Digg was doing...
Same here, apparently. And I just made this account a few minutes ago, too. Got me already...
I prefer to believe the cleaner did know english, but he didn't think to try.