Tim Poole is the dumbest person with a platform. This is not hyperbole. I didn't forget about anyone else that may be mentioned, Tim is dumber.
I would disagree with your statement they would win if they dump Trump, trump is the only way they win, the whole machine is built around him. Without him they fall flat. With him, they have a chance of winning, and still could, we can't pretend like that's not the case unless we want to repeat 2016
I hope they continue on this crusade to prove she isn't black, this will convince no one new to vote for them. Take all the time in the world to obsess over it.
Secondly, it hinges on the racist notion that black voters will vote for her simply because she is black, which is not true.
Its foundation is wrong and its impact is negligible, please republicans, stay on this thread.
Matt Walsh is one of the biggest pieces of shit alive. That man deserves no love.
Joined 21 hours ago.
Get the fuck out of here. Troll or bot.
Disney has earned everyone going back to piracy
Same, but my mother.
Reddit still has a lot of content on here yet. A lot of communities are not active, too small or non-existent. Tech communities are thriving here, but that's really it. Many people won't stay until some of those communities fill out.
pics_free_free it is.
What's going to stop people from creating a new community and migrating the second reddit pay walls it.
Oh pics is now paywalled, looks like everyone is using pics_free
Fuck private equity.
I wouldn't get too excited, it's a bunch of fringe edgelords on a platform no one uses. Hoping it spreads and they start to fracture, but groypers are a pretty fridge edge of the maga movement.