When I write that normal people start at 1 then I mean that normal people start at 1, funny enough. Also, I am currently holding 0 apples. No need to start counting.
Only programmers start counting with 0. All the normal people start with 1.
Unlimited XKCD scrolling started.
The amount of typos in the cease and desist letter is staggering. I cannot imagine any lawyer could produce that, must be copied by the apprentice journalist on duty, with a tight deadline.
Even more sticky after showering. Bugs would love that. Enjoy!
This study comes with differing results, that you can make a choice for the better. So that you're not 'doomed' to get cancer and live a relatively healthy life.
Just get a Fairphone, with every module screwed into place. Except the battery, you can just take that out by hand.
Hybrids don't reduce CO2 emissions that much anyway. Better to go all electric and vote for climate protection.
That's also the case here in Europe, sadly. Democracies are growing more fascist year by year.
Americans should go figure that our for themselves. By the way: same goes for other democracies around the world. You can make a moral appeal to people and companies, but that only solves a small part of the problem, best to regulate that with laws and legal consequences.
Americans should generally vote for political parties that prevent immoral companies from excessive profits and damage to society and individuals. Too bad they have more hate for foreigners than love for themselves, believing that they could be wealthy and free too, one day.
That would most probably be Switzerland. Perhaps a referendum can be set up to change that?