
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Upvote for using censorship. Been seeing worse things left uncensored in ai channels and it's put me off my coffee before. Wonder if having more detailed censored indicators would prevent some of the downvotes, but you have my thanks.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

It's like nobody cares to even touch base level understanding of the tools they are using.

Can we stop framing this as if llms have actual intent?

This shouldn't surprise me given how many people think that we have access to the literal word of God, but they don't even read the damned book they base their lives and social directives around.

Or is it that "news" sources intentionally leave out basic details to ramp up the story?

Ignore the note on the page you are using that says info might not be accurate. Blame the chat bot for your unprofessional ineptitude.

You shouldn't even be putting that level of blind trust into human beings, or even Wikipedia without checking sources.

Guess what, when i use bots for info, i ask for the sources, and check the original sources. Really not difficult, and I'm not being paid half as much as the people I keep seeing in these news articles.

Maybe this should make it more obvious how wealth is not accrued due to competence and ability.

Or for having reliable news. I feel like i live in a world controlled by children.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 months ago (4 children)

All oil profits will be taxed extra until it has paid off what it took from the people, right? Were not just taking from the people for the exclusive benefit of large companies right? I'm still confused as to why this was publically funded. Or at least confused to why I haven't seen the guaranteed public value addressed. No trickle down isn't a real public benefit.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I'm talking about the general strides in cognitive computing and predictive processing.

Machine learning is still impressive, we just can better frame the limitations now.

For the note on scale and ecosystems, review recent work by karl friston or Michael Levin.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Perhaps instead we could just restructure our epistemically confabulated reality in a way that doesn't inevitably lead to unnecessary conflict due to diverging models that haven't grown the necessary priors to peacefully allow comprehension and the ability exist simultaneously.


We are finally coming to comprehend how our brains work, and how intelligent systems generally work at any scale, in any ecosystem. Subconsciously enacted social systems included.

We're seeing developments that make me extremely optimistic, even if everything else is currently on fire. We just need a few more years without self focused turds blowing up the world.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

AI or no AI, the solution needs to be social restructuring. People underestimate the amount society can actively change, because the current system is a self sustaining set of bubbles that have naturally grown resilient to perturbations.

The few people who actually care to solve the world's problems are figuring out how our current systems inevitably fail, and how to avoid these outcomes.

However, the best bet for restructuring would be a distributed intelligent agent system. I could get into recent papers on confirmation bias, and the confabulatory nature of thought, on the personal level, group level, and society level.

Turns out we are too good at going with the flow, even when the structure we are standing on is built over highly entrenched vestigial confabulations that no longer help.

Words, concepts, and meanings change heavily depending on the model interpreting them. The more divergent, the more difficulty in bridging this communication gap.

a distributed intelligent system could not only enable a complete social restructuring with autonomy and altruism both guaranteed, but with an overarching connection between the different models at every scale, capable of properly interpreting the different views, and conveying them more accurately than we could have ever managed with model projection and the empathy barrier.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Just seen too many kids abused and crushed because their parents own them, and there is no caring community close enough to help. Id rather have been raised by a supportive parental community. Then again, I was tossed between several people who didn't want the burden, which is the origin of my perspective.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Might just be biased coming from neglect and abuse. Just feel like kids should have access to help outside of their immediate proximity. Also pretty sure I didn't mention any eugenics, but maybe a base education should come with access to your own child property that you are allowed to abuse, as long as its not too noticeable. I think perspectives here will be conflicting.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (4 children)

I feel like we need to design an obligatory habitat for parents. They would hate this idea, but hear me out.

This could allow super efficient distribution of resources specifically to help children, as well as a controlled environment to ensure the parent doesn't spend it on alcohol while neglecting the child.

You could tailor the local net to avoid bad actors from outside, while maintaining a degree of freedom and privacy for the children. Maybe holds parents to some standard of accountability, while providing an obvious escape route for children with abusive parents. A place for children where they don't feel separated from, or lesser than other children due to the circumstances of their birth. Maybe allow a healthier, safer environment.

I would suggest a system that can be regulated and controlled without people putting cameras on the children.

Adults suck. Children should not be forced to endure the hell that adults can create.

Yeah parents wouldn't like it, but very few existing parents provide an actually healthy environment to grow in. Maybe becoming a parent should hold some actual responsibility.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Yeah I'm going to have to leave this sub if this shit keeps ending up in my feed while I'm eating or in public.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 5 months ago (4 children)

"The surprising thing we find is that, essentially, you can use the largest model to help you automatically design the smaller ones"

Hey, how do we get a clickbait title out of this?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

I definitely agree that copyright is a good half century in need of an update. Disney company and other contemporaries should never have been allowed the dominance and extension of copywrite that allows what feels like ownership of most global artistic output. They don't need AI, they have the money and interns to create whatever boardroom adjusted art they need to continue their dominance.

Honestly I think the faster AI happens, the more likely it is that we find a way out of the social and economical hierarchical structure that feels one step from anarcho-capitalistic aristocracy.

I just hope we can find the change without riots.


one of my favourite things about AI art and stable diffusion is that you can get weird dream-like worlds and architectures. how about a garden of tiny autumn trees?


one of my favourite things about stablediffusion is that you can get weird dream-like worlds and architectures. how about a garden of tiny autumn trees?

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