Swapping my own group to PF2e and we've all played other systems (lancer, sw saga, vtm, cyberpunk, kids on bikes, etc). I do think if a meme says something different than DnD (using it as a generic term for TTRPG) you'll get more people commenting on the system rather than relating to the meme (like if this said Traveler there'd be more comments about never played Traveler or if it said PF2e comments would be more about the system war).
this version has added many new things, for example Gilgamesh and his friend met a monkey.
This probably shouldn't read as funny to me as it does. I understand the significance, but it makes it sound like a previously unknown side trip to the zoo or something.
My experience here. Had one a place I worked which did breakfast foods (yogurt, breakfast sandwiches, breakfast burritos , etc) with a small microwave slot to heat up after it vended. Food was absolutely gross and it was always dicey if anything it vended was still in date. Only nice thing was the front was see through so you could check which items had visible mold and avoid those...
Was cheaper than the cafe and had better hours (all of them) for my shift, but I don't think the trade off of rolling the dice on food poisoning was worth it lol.
I did pharmacy billing for a while and this is a kind of innocent take that people are just being lazy. The training was terrible (I was taught the basics of the software and then given a photocopy of various employees hand written notes for common rejection solutions over the years ....most of which didn't still apply and those employees had long left; when I left in sure my notes were copied to the pile). There were metrics that kept being increased meaning spending more than 30 seconds on a claim was going to put you behind (I did night shift and my boss was talked to about me once or twice because I sometimes had an hour or two where I'd cleared everything I could and had nothing to do because the rest of the world was asleep). And, finally:
The software was designed to actively fight us. My most common reject was insurance won't pay for anything $X or more with X being stupidly low. For many insurances you could not put in a recurring override for monthly maintenance meds. Your options were either give the patient a 2/3/whatever day supply to get the cost down and they'd just have to visit the pharmacy for pickup so much they might as well work there. Or do a one time special override every. Single. Time. Which involved me doing a special code on my end (which wasn't the same for every insurer and sometimes they'd just randomly change it for shits and giggles with no communication, I had a list of codes that were often used I'd try guessing with). Calling their help desk whose employee retention and training were also in the toilet. If the insurance end person knew the process for a one time special override, great. If not I started specifically keeping notes by insurer to teach new people because otherwise I'd be subjected to an hour of phone hockey while they tried to find someone who both knew how to do it and could cram my call into their metrics. Then we'd have to go through generating specific rejects just because we needed it in our logs we tried shit we knew wasn't going to work. Doctor note saying md knows med is expensive and that pt needs it to live regardless attached? Okay run it through as cost doctor approved to get the "fuck the doctor we don't want to pay" reject. Insurance doctor/nurse team reviewed that yes the doctor is correct the patient needs this med to live code put in? Okay run it again to get the fuck our own doctors we still won't pay reject. Now insurance help desk has to message their next level support to get authorization for a one time override for medical necessity. Okay now it'll go through on the insurer end (as long as they didn't fatfinger anything because the override only works for one single attempt). Great, we did it one try team! Now my turn to do it on my end which involves me removing all my codes because the software no longer recognizes the reject so will reject me for needless codes which will make us have to get the One Single Try Authorization again......
You don't have to die to visit hell just work in medical billing.
I don't think that has never not been a thing... Read memoirs/letters from earlier times and you'll see plenty of it too. The big shift was probably admitting the children don't yearn for the mines, but we seem to be heading back that way (eta: in the USA anyway I won't paint other countries with our fuckery lol).
Some of the details in these are kind of interesting. I assume the pitcher and plate/bowl it's on were for washing up in the morning. Just fun to see the items put in the backgrounds that were normal for the time and not so much now.
Some of it was DDOS but a lot of it was just server overload which sucked horrifically. DDoS was its own thing because I did have trouble logging in during those times.
ETA: also not to sound like a churl the update about a month in did fix a lot of the lag. Until then it was just really bad and I was routinely running into people in df roulette also suffering from it which just made things even harder. But I will say SE did work on it and put a fix out that resolved most of it within a month. I feel like part of the challenge may have just been I was on the "overflow" datacenter for NA and SE underestimated how much "overflow" we would be seeing. Cause about the majority of people I was paired with in df roulette during this time were travelers which isn't the norm on Dynamis ime.
Can't say how it was for Endwalker, but I did experience a lot more server lag on Dynamis than I did before the launch. Getting in wasn't the problem so much as being in instances and just having minute long multiple lag spikes to the point I was often going from lag to lag. Had this even in duty support. My understanding is this was "better" because I could even log in at all, but it did absolutely suck trying to learn new mechanics where I was in MSQ and learn how to play around entire dungeons being slide shows of lag at the same time.
ETA: I got up to Amaurot about the day after pre-order drop happened and then worked up through Seat of Sacrifice over the heaviest weeks was absolutely miserable with the lag to figure out what was going on. I also do MiNE ex/savage and had a few I'd been progging I just had to bow out from because when we got to new phases I was having so much lag they weren't showing for me and the majority of the time I'd be either killed by something I never got an update to see or last person standing because I was lagging so much I didn't ping into the damage.
I have a shallow dish for my cat and he still does this... He just doesn't believe seeing the bottom is natural lol.
(Before anyone says anything yes the dish is flat, I bought it for my hedgehog to eat without having to clamber and then had to swap their dishes when he discovered the shallow dish was light enough for him to toss around for fun lol)