Get a head start on your morning!
Also QA, issue tracking, and litigation protection. This includes worker protection.
"Those bolts? We have the record right here from the very wrench that tightened them that shows they were tightened to spec on that plane."
You might be interested in supercritical fluids, which are fluids at high enough pressures and low enough temperatures (but not high enough pressures or low enough temperatures to solidify) that they act as both a liquid and a gas:
If I'm reading this right, they're saying that because Model 3's don't need oil changes, they aren't seen by mechanics regularly. As a result, small problems aren't caught before they become larger problems. This results in a larger number of repairs for when they do finally go to the shop.
I enjoyed it, so it's by no means a bad anime, but it is deceptive. It seems to start off as a relaxing, light-hearted show of a world as seen through the eyes of a traveling witch at first, but it becomes rather dark.
I would recommend it as a good show, but don't watch it if you want something relaxing.
I'm going to call it "geef" from now on!
Roulette is not a positive sum game, though. If you keep playing, eventually you will lose everything to the house.
A positive sum game is where repeated plays will average out to a net gain. The secret is having enough initial capital to keep you alive if your initial gambles don't pan out. People living paycheck to paycheck don't have that
Eh, maybe? Personally, I wouldn't consider a love triangle enough to be a harem, and I don't see that any of the remaining girls see themselves as a love interest, just platonic. "Harem" as a genre is rather vaguely defined, though, so I won't blame anyone for seeing it as one.
It might be overplayed, but Re:Zero does fit that bill. There is a romance, but only one, and it doesn't play off the ecchi comedy tropes. It still is based around an oblivious boy, but it's used as one of his major character flaws, and he has actual character growth.
It had a huge following when it was airing (still kinda does) to the point where it got annoying, but don't let that color your perspective of the show.
I do not know Vivaldi, but I live and die by Tree-Style Tabs. It puts the tabs on the side and arranged them in trees that can be managed as groups. It's the add-on that has kept me on Firefox.
Oh, no. A politician doing what the people want in order to save his job.
That's how it's supposed to work. It's better than the usual m.o. where the politician does whatever they want and screw the people. Yes, it would be nice if they did what you want from the get-go, but I will vote for the one that changes their stance due to popular pressure over one that "sticks to their guns" no matter who it's hurting.
(I'm speaking in generalities here. Obviously Biden hasn't changed his stance yet.)