Are you sure? Because to me this means someone has finished spewing bullshit. Or something annoying has finally come to an end.
Due to the respect for the elder, you let them finish, but you know it's nonsense.
Are you sure? Because to me this means someone has finished spewing bullshit. Or something annoying has finally come to an end.
Due to the respect for the elder, you let them finish, but you know it's nonsense.
Basically "they're finally done spewing crap" as in talking nonsense etc.
Are they stupid? Just find them!
I wouldn't celebrate if I were you. Shit can be revoked, law and rules mean nothing if you're minority.
Sorry, couldn't tell...
Give it 3 months.
Once it blows over they'll recover. There's too many examples of other industries doing exactly that... Hell, even Activision Blizzard, famous for Bill Cosby suite, breast milk thiefs, CEO threatening to have his secretary assassinated, sucking up to China etc etc.
People swore off to never touch them again, but they're one cinematic away from being back in the game.
With cars, not everyone can afford new one, so your sample size is much much smaller, easy to "boycott" something you weren't going to buy.
We're under no illusion, people online just want to be part of a movement. But statistically, 80% of people were never going to get one to begin with. And I'm being generous with their marketshare.
Ah you sweet summer child thinking dems will win next election... Or that there will be another "election".
Explain to me like I'm 5... Can we not just stop butchering chickens for few days and get them to lay eggs to "catch" up? Or are those chickens too far removed from normal chickens that they no longer lay eggs?
At least instead of having 69 million salary, he has to work for the other 68 and deliver? Here's hoping...
Skin care products HAVE TO be age restricted. Especially with tiktok crazes convincing young girls that they need literal axid on their skin made for women +40 up.
No one should be against this, no one. It's not up for debate.
Was there some deal? Model Y going up for orders? Surely someone can answer this to at least hint at what happened. How many cars do they normally sell? Is there something in Canada which triggered car sales? Did other manufacturers see similar jump.
Why write such a crappy article with so little info is beyond me. Most people here aren't Canadian, we got fuck all perspective.
The biggest scam we've been sold is that birth rates are down and we'll be running low on people!
Yet zoomers is the largest population EVER.
You have UK "needing immigration to sustain population decline" while it wasn't declining. They used them to drive the labour costs down and rents up.