
joined 2 years ago
[–] PDFuego 3 points 3 months ago

For what it's worth this brand is pretty good. I only get Margherita and put my own toppings on them, but they're my go-to for frozen pizza.

[–] PDFuego 3 points 3 months ago

Black. Getting a bit sick of Playstation Lifestyle's fuckin clickbait.

[–] PDFuego 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Hey mate, thanks for your videos. I'm still pretty new (about 100h, still in phase 4) and I can barely follow them at all, but that's a problem on my end, not yours. I haven't even looked at blueprints yet, but I feel like getting at least a few basic multi-machine blocks to stamp down is something I should do sooner rather than later. I'm sure when I finally get around to optimising things your channel will be a huge help.

Edit: I just went back to the first video in the playlist and holy shit dude. I have a lot of work to do. I love the concept of packaging up your machine blocks the way you do and building a giant factory you can drive around in, I have nothing like that. I was already planning to redesign some parts of my game but I'll definitely be taking some pointers from seeing your work. As much as I love going into things blind for a first playthrough I feel like I learned a lot from seeing you talk shit for 20 minutes.

No megafactory for me though, it'll all be smaller ones with trains meandering through the countryside. Having forgotten once again to start looking into the dimensional depot, running out of iron plates or concrete or whatever in a build means a nice 15 minute round trip on the train back to base, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Just seeing you snap mergers & splitters right onto the lifts is going to make a big difference to the way I design things moving forward. Thanks again.

[–] PDFuego 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Wow it's all so clean. Where are you getting those lights, I haven't unlocked any I'm particularly happy with.

I can't wait to start again and have a plan going into everything, I've just unlocked the hoverpack and drones, so right after getting into the habit of spacing factories out rather than packing everything into as small a footprint as possible I've started flying around and lazily building into existing factories without planning. Last night I plonked down a supercomputer factory basically inside another factory, with the conveyors all clipping through each other, then I stuck a drone plaform on top, redirected some fuel to it and called it a day. No idea if it's even all working.

I've got 2 nights of work (security work, so 13h shifts including ~6h of downtime) before I can play again, so I think I'll sketch up some designs to tidy up my train system and redo a couple of areas before the mess gets too big. I keep detailed spreadsheets of every station and which platforms load & unload what on to which trains, as well as a separate sheet with each train, the time table and cargo loads/unloads. Trains have definitely been my favourite mechanic so far.

[–] PDFuego 5 points 3 months ago

Never seen a car with a butt crack like that before

[–] PDFuego 1 points 3 months ago

The Callisto Protocol

[–] PDFuego 2 points 3 months ago

I designed my warehouse with 2 levels. The lower floor is all stuff that's part of building recipes so I can do a lap to top up everything I keep on me, and the upper floor is all things like raw materials, ingots & ingredients in other recipes so that I generally don't have to go upstairs for anything (probably don't need any of it stored, but once the boxes fill up the extra stuff gets sinked anyway so it doesn't hurt in the long run). It has a hypertube station that goes to a few key locations in the base, and some of those chain on to other places in turn.

Honestly I completely forgot about depots. I looked through the MAM early and saw them, thought it sounded like late-game stuff, filed it away for later and never thought about it again. I fell into a cave ages ago with a SAM resource node but I wasn't prepared to do anything with it. Maybe it's time to pause building the current projects to go back and set that up.

[–] PDFuego 7 points 3 months ago

I used to play a lot of Fallout 4 with gyro aiming on the Steam Controller, there was a lot of downtime between fights and gunplay didn't require perfect precision, which was great for learning how the controller felt. I'd find that I'd sit back with my hands on my lap, tilting the controller very slightly up and down for vertical aim and unconsciously using my foot to rotate the chair for horizontal. Once I got used to how it worked (including setting the gyro to only activate while the left trigger was held and fine-tuning the sensitivity) it became natural. My body just kind of figured it all out in the most comfortable way.

[–] PDFuego 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Your buildings are a lot prettier than mine. I've only put any amount of thought into a single building, a massive storage warehouse that has automatically sorted containers for just about every item in the game (only excluding project parts and radioactive stuff).

All of my factories in the starting area feed into one of a few highways that go back into the sorter, then excess stuff gets chucked in the sink.

I'm in phase 3 and the last big milestone was unlocking trains, so I've started exploring further out and building train stations then putting down rails on the way back. I'm about halfway though building a handful of factory outposts for different parts of the space elevator. It's a lot of fun, but tbh I'm kind of dreading the next couple of phases because it's already on the verge of being overwhelming. I saw on the mods page someone uploaded a save with a full rail network connecting the entire game world, if I ever start over I might give that a go and have a huge moving base. Probably won't be practical, but I'm enjoying the hell out of the train stuff so far.

[–] PDFuego 8 points 3 months ago (4 children)

A super white space with a fireplace in every room, then suddenly you're in a bedroom without walls (I guess they ran out of money?), then a horrible marble bathroom, then suddenly it looks like a completely different house with terracotta tiles and feature brickwork everywhere, then a toilet with like... limestone walls? A kitchenette bigger than my actual kitchen in a sitting room where none of the 6+ chairs face the TV. I dig the spoiler room though, that last fuckin toilet got me. I couldn't imagine living in a place like that.

[–] PDFuego 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That's tough. Today's my first day OFF work in a week after being pretty sick the whole time, and I'm ready to alternate between playing Satisfactory and lying on the floor in the fetal position.

Also, no idea you could tame these things - I'm fairly new (~17h) and have never looked into anything past what I've played because I like to go into things blind. Does it do anything?

[–] PDFuego 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

My first reward was Lapras, I have 1 Lapras, 2 Pikachu, 1 Clefairy and 4 Mankey, but no Butterfree.

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