Personally would give it to Animal Well.
I really, really don't get the thing at all, but is this really pro-anorexia? I have seen the fat acceptance crowd label anything remotely resembling calorie counting to be pro-eating-disorder
It's so cute though. I've always wondered why Burlington isn't the VT capital but Montpelier is such a cute place to drive through, with the state house in a lovely little green vale instead of in an urban area.
For a second I thought this was referring to Montpelier, Vermont. Which would be funny because I think you could cover that town with 2 stops.
Look at this joker implying demons are people.
I probably already have a thousand spiders in my house anyway so I'll gladly take the cash for being their roommate. Maybe 999 so they don't get pissed that I'm freeloading.
1.2kg of cannabis would be like a lifetime supply for me. That's a cumbersome amount of pot.
Well, it's better to have them decoupled. For example, let's say you're trying to watch The Godfather in French, you wouldn't want the scenes in Italy to have hardcoded English subs.
You have a 1 in 2 chance of pulling a cursed arrow the first time.
If you pulled a cursed arrow the first time, the second arrow has a 4 in 9 chance to be cursed. Otherwise, it's 5 in 9.
Personally I'd have resolved this as a single d10 once, and rerolled a 10 on the second arrow. I haven't done the math to know if 3d6+1d4 <16 yields the same probability though.
If it's not malicious software like a bitcoin miner or whatever, yes. If people want to buy shovelware, that's between them and whoever made it.
Oh goodness, were there any survivors?