Looks like you have finally got the point of this discussions. Exactly, it is currently a crime. What we are trying to convey is that it really shouldn't be.
Ah, so alcohol (which by the way causes 140.000 deaths per year in the US alone) can be consumed in moderation for recreational purposes but Cannabis cannot? How come?
That still requires a certain level of technical understanding (purchasing a domain, understanding where to host, setting up domain records, having to deal with your mails landing in the spam directory of common email providers, etc.). I doubt my father, for example, could set all that up without help.
Feed generation is already a very complex process implementing hundreds or thousands of variables to show every single user only posts that are likely to be relevant to them. Filtering out any posts by blocked accounts shouldn't matter here. The real reason why Elon removed the feature is probably that he realized he was the most blocked person on Twitter, lol.
Who said I paid for it?
That does not answer my question? Have you ever drank alcohol (any, even once a year or a single time in your life)? If so, are you going to therapy?
Do you drink alcohol? If yes, you need therapy according to your own statement. And so does every single other person on earth who consumes alcohol.
I think the tree was already there. It just didn't have any leaves.
Only reason I could think of is that compressing white noise is very inefficient because of its high entropy. Compression needs patterns and white noise doesn't really have any.