I will try that.
Edit: If you can see this, using Chrome instead of Brave worked.
I will try that.
Edit: If you can see this, using Chrome instead of Brave worked.
I'm trying to recreate this and my brain just won't let it happen.
I think it's equally plausible that it was planted as it is that it was forgotten.
I had/have the same problem. It appears to be widespread. I've been on since last night by using the website without the app. Don't know how long it will last.
It's frustrating, but expected as Lemmy develops. And worth the trouble.
It is the most unique aquarium I've been to.
In the one in Okinawa, the dining area is next to a large tank with the tabled butted right up next to it. While you're eating a big shark can swim right next to you. They also have a shark feeding show that is impressive. But my favorite is in Osaka because of the very deep central tank and how you explore the layers and see the creatures at different depths.
I'll share as soon as I know.
Edit: I announced it in anther post. Go there.
I live in Japan. I could wave money around begging for a copyright owner to take it, but they refuse to take it and I can't access the content.
Good counter metaphor. When Audible disappears my book, and I can't do anything about it, that is theft.
Well, now it works. I answered in another thread, please check that out.