I don't know why people insist on this narrative. Isn't the truth horrible enough? Hamas is allegedly using hospitals as shields, which is horrible. Israel is willing to kill countless civilians to get at Hamas, which is also horrible.
It's constantly improving though.
DLSS 3.5 for example comes with that new AI enhanced RT that makes RT features look better, respond to changes in lighting conditions faster, and still remain at pre-enhanced levels of performance or better.
And Reflex fixes a lot of the latency issue.
A lot of games don't use the latest version of DLSS though, so I don't blame you if you have a bad experience with it.
Why couldn't you build a "read only" connector? I mean sure, wires conduct both ways obviously, but diodes and other one-way conductors are a thing right?
The other point of only putting the implant in the place it's needed and where it can't make you see and hear things seems valid too.
I'm not saying there wouldn't be other risks and issues with the whole thing, but I feel like the "they'll put ads in your brain" thing is kind of a ridiculous fear.
~~Seems like a really stupid ban.~~ Unless you're overly online and/or up on the latest trans discourse in the US, calling women females is at worst a little weird, but ultimately innocuous. Could easily be an ESL issue also.
Now ~~if~~ there is good reason to believe OP is intentionally using it in the weird incelly way, sure that's bad. Although unless OP is like intentionally missgendering or otherwise harassing people with the word, I personally think it's way overkill to police it even if he does mean it in the incel type of way...
Edit: Oh wait, I'm slow. The punchline is probably that the "female" in question is either a man or trans. Yeah in that context the probability that OP is intentionally being weird is probably much higher...
Will be interesting to see if TES6 will replace Skyrim as the sort of mainstream culturally relevant icon of gaming.
After all Morrowind and Oblivion were both massively popular cornerstones of gaming in their own right in their time, but Skyrim has definitely overtaken them as fas as mainstream recognition goes.
To give an update, I did end up getting a Shield because I really want enough horsepower to have a proper, smooth experience. I got the non-pro version and saved a little bit with that, since I mainly just need it for streaming media from a NAS.
So far it's been good, though I did also find out that some of the stuttering was probably caused by having subtitles on and using the LibVLC player instead of exoplayer (or automatic selection that was apparently choosing it?). I still had stutter on the Shield when using LibVLC in combination with subtitles, though I think it might have been less pronounced. As soon as I either disabled subtitles or changed to exoplayer, the stutter was gone. It's still a little early to say for sure, though. The general UX and lack of UI navigation lag has been great.
I will also say that I feel like the image is just... different. I think the contrast is bigger and blacks are darker, despite making sure I'm on the same picture mode (from TV settings). I can't really say that it's better, just different. Might just be in my head too, honestly. I should compare the two at some point...
I might come back again even later to do another report. :)