Ben benieuwd. Het interview met hem in De Groene (https://www.groene.nl/artikel/de-morele-pijngrens-is-nog-lang-niet-bereikt) geeft mij de indruk dat hij niet zo politiek neutraal is. Ook niet rechts per se, maar qua privacy niet de beste keus.
I thought it was a surrendering mpeg.
Who's the decoy human?
I just beat the Gerudo temple in TotK and now I finally have all 4 major missions done.
Only took me a fucking year.
Haha I get so quirky when I'm drunk. The other night I broke into a small store and set it on fire. Tequila am I right?
God gave you the boner that got your ass beat.
Instead of laughing he should have learned from their warnings.
Get a blue robe with stars on them. That is what all the fancy wizards wear.
What's EtOH?
Is all modern media just another copy of Evangelion?
Going from thinking you scored to a kinda easily given penalty feels rough.
Germany was better most of the match but if Denmark could just score once it would be insane.