
joined 11 months ago
[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 3 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Is it any different from the existing vegan community?

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

We peak at different times. Life's far from over, I assume.

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 2 points 4 days ago

The game is thoroughly enjoyable after spending less than the cost of a AAA game. You're so obsessed with your own righteousness that you've stopped measuring a game's worth by how fun it is.

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 0 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Fine, just don't go spending $60 on BotW

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 1 points 4 days ago

There's really not that much of it in the game!! I spent $40, got a handful of well-designed characters with interesting abilities that I could use to play all of the content in the game. Gender distribution seemed 50/50 or only very slightly female, and only a fraction of the characters are overtly sexualized.

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 2 points 4 days ago

Hurr durr DAE like The Witcher 3? DAE think Skyrim is overrated?

Both games get blown out the water in every metric you mentioned by Dishonored.

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 1 points 4 days ago

Lemmy ate my post body as I posted. It had a lot of justifications for the title but it's gone now. If this gets engagement I'll explain myself more.

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 1 points 4 days ago

Pretty sure they're .gsheet

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 2 points 5 days ago

This document isn't changing every time I view it, but Google Sheets wants me to reload it each and every time I close my phone. Even if I'm in airplane mode it gives me this prompt, and of course just loads the same document.

What is it even doing when I hit the Reload button??

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 1 points 1 week ago

It's never coming bro

[–] OlPatchy2Eyes 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Yours and other comments have been insightful and have made me reconsider some assumptions I did not realize I had made, so thank you.

I'll concede that a sedentary person of normal weight doesn't need to worry much about getting all their essential amino acids. If I was interested in gaining muscle on a plant-based diet, would you say that I would still be wasting energy by stressing about eating all the proteins? Wouldn't that make my only issue getting the right amount of calories?

I'll look for some literature when I have the time but if you have any off-hand knowledge you could share then I would appreciate it.


Lesotho volunteer here, expected COS is in December. As the first cohort back, we only had 15 volunteers at the start, and had our 7th departure a few days ago. Is this normal?


Thought this was a great video by a creator that I really feel should get more attention.

Edu's BBQ - Magic (billycarpenter.substack.com)
submitted 3 months ago by OlPatchy2Eyes to c/gunners

8k subs, and probably my favorite Arsenal-focused analyst on YouTube. Consistently picks up on things that don't get mentioned on other channels.

Edu's BBQ- Cause for Celebration (billycarpenter.substack.com)
submitted 4 months ago by OlPatchy2Eyes to c/gunners

TierMaker Discworld Community Tier List

Apologies for not being able to upload an image at the moment.

Obviously TierMaker isn't the be all end all of community opinion, but I stumbled upon this tier list recently and found it strange. I have a handful of friends who have read some of the books, and they were surprised by some of the tierings too. Some trends I noticed:

  • "Entry" books seem to be tiered high, and books occuring later in the Discworld timeline get tiered lower
  • Tiffany Aching books are tiered very low
  • I believe the earlier books are generally getting tiered higher than the later books, but I haven't actually verified that.

I guess my biggest question is is the opinions of the community actually so diverse? Maybe many folks haven't read all the books so it gets skewed like that? The site says it compiles 32 tier lists which sounds like a decent amount of data to me.

Edu's BBQ: Scouting Victor Osimhen (billycarpenter.substack.com)
submitted 6 months ago by OlPatchy2Eyes to c/gunners
Edu's BBQ - Kai Havertz Scores Again (billycarpenter.substack.com)
submitted 7 months ago by OlPatchy2Eyes to c/gunners
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