Badass. What did you wash the armor with? Is it just nuln oil?
Looks great!
Thank you!! I did end up putting some quick contrast paint on the scope lens too 😂
Looks great! What did you use for the basing material?
I got into 40K by randomly watching some Luetin lore videos on YouTube and then becoming super interested in the lore. I’ve only played two games of Combat Patrol (against myself) using the models from the Leviathan box. 😅 It seems fun but is quite the time investment.
When I got into it I didn’t really consider the amount of hobby time investment required. I think it took me over a month just to assemble the models I needed to try out Combat Patrol, I still don’t have any of them painted, or even primed.
Then I tried out Kill Team and love it. It’s arguably just as complex as 40K, but much more approachable from a hobby perspective. It’s a blast too! I’d highly recommend trying out a game or two, the light rules are available for free online and they have an app too.
Thank you!! I appreciate it 😊
😂😂 I’ll take it!
Great photo 💯
Thanks for sharing. Looks fun. Painting up the Blood Angels on the list? 😆