True as it may be, but when the majority don't bother you've got to acknowledge something is up, reform is necessary.
The taft-hartley act already subdued them.
"Be careful how you treat people when you're on top, they're the ones you need to catch you if you fall"
The law isn't about morality or social good or promoting the general order; it's about power and who wields it. The law is fundamentally a vehicle through which those who stand atop social hierarchies can command, exploit, and do violence to those less powerful. A CEO can kill tens of thousands of Americans every year with a pen and that isn't murder: a coal company can poison generations and that isn't murder: a police department can force homeless people to flee from place to place until they die from exposure and that isn't murder. The law exists to protect and promote the interests of the powerful, because that is what legal systems are designed to do.
That's what he wants, he's all about the bitcoin and his own versions of it.
Nutter in a cult says what? Remember rusian bots are raping language like this to lose all meaning online.
Fight for age limits for your politicians.
Yea only under the threat of violence has power ever changed hands. You need both peaceful and violent components to any movement to make any change last though.
For sane news, that covers important domestic and international news on a daily basis, look at PBS Newshour or Democracy Now on YouTube. Sane. Journalistic. Thoughtful.
Abandon the legacy billionaire media, but don't abandon journalism.
They’re calvinists believing: the greater the wealth, the greater the morality. Taking it to its extremes is the point as is the cruel structural violence.
They literally can't see the light for all their wealth because they're calvinists believing: the greater the wealth, the greater the morality.
Fight for better more fair representation, secession solves nothing.