Thanks for the throwback!
What it runs on mac? What the fuck I'm never going to work again.
Can they? Can your character do that?
Do you use reader mode? If not, I highly recommend
If only I could remain alive for 9.99 a month
Nah, it's just that blaming Russia gets them zero dollars while blaming Ukraine potentially gets them not zero dollars. Post colonial Africa has been provided so much international kool aid that not getting any gives them withdrawals. There is so much research around how providing aid to African nations is detrimental to their economy but is that goes against the interest of local politicians who use procurement of foreign aid as a measure of their performance in office.
Excuse me, where is this hope you're talking about?
I found this while looking at reviews
Can't tell if this was made by a 14 year old or a 30 year old
Must be the one from Jack and the beanstalk
Found the only other dumbass on this website who plays crackling energy sorc. I loved it after the defense nerfs when mobs can now one shot me from offscreen if I'm not careful.
However, from what I could tell, my build got a major damage upgrade from the patch so it seems like our experiences are different.