No, I don't think it's unreasonable to have a technical level of control over young kids devices in partnership with close supervision. It's that or no phones until they're 16.
Oo that looks neat. I'm wondering how I've missed it!
Good suggestions but I'm not convinced that's true.
It's certainly possible to lock some Android devices down hard without rooting them. See Samsung Knox as an example. Even a pro will have a hard time getting around that.
I trust my kids to mostly only use the devices how I say. The security is mainly to keep their mum happy and to keep them from spur of the moment bad descisions with their clicks and time.
The cars and walkers are both as close as they can safely be while moving?
Ew, Joe Rogan.
Tesco probably will but plenty of Christmas club companies have gone bust and left people without their order. Even companies as big as Tesco can get in a mess, it's not like they hold the stock for you in advance.
Let me introduce you to the concept of a supermarket Christmas savings club. You basically pre-order Christmas groceries with them.
What happens if you load it in a "private" browsing window?
If I could lick the top of my head then you know I would..
You and I have VERY different hair then. My hair is horrific if I get it wet and don't soap it.
It's a matter of perspective. Delete it from your personal universe by uninstalling the app and blocking the website.
Kathy Bates is an excellent actor and excellent actors love to play villains.