If someone brings a new viable battery concept to market in the next few months that'll be a hell of a year for progress.
Car companies told us man with big penis drive big truck and now we're fucked because nobody is prepared to blink.
I tend to use price aggregators more than individual websites because we've reached a point with Internet transactions that you can't really get away with being a dodgy ecommerce website. People can just file paypal issues or complain to their credit card company for help, so just go with the cheapest option and see how it goes most of the time.
The ones I use are pricerunner and pricespy. I'm EU, but I know pricespy has a NZ version, so I assume it's global.
Try brave browser, less ads.
It seems like a lot of modern star trek doesn't appeal to OG trekkies, but as someone who didn't watch anything pre-Discovery, I think most of it is pretty great compared to a vast portion of current TV.
Sue lmao
They are sort of blown out of proportion when you take into account modern safety protocols.
Chernobyl and three mile island were user error, fukushima was force majeure.
Since then they've been piloted widely. France has about 50 reactors and a laundry list of smaller errors that we've since learned from.
Your previous comment was basically a massive industry wide conspiracy theory though, so their response of a more sensible answer to give you something a bit more concrete to go on was pretty reasonable to me.