If they dont delete personal data its a violation of EU law and big fines are coming
How sure are you of this?
That gulf stream study is just 1 study. Hardly 100% reliable. Unless its repeatable.
Also they say 2057 or so, was most likely
Sonarr and radarr ¯_(ツ)_/¯
And youre sure its like that in all translations?
Threads.. thats meta/FB right?
They probably arent doing it for the goodness of their hearts.. lol
Its not easy. Poor guy!
Is a mastodon post a reliable source?
Maybe. But im sceptical.
Nice background.. lol
And he mostly talks about phones anyway... hardly relevant to the avg pc enthusiast as he only covers macbooks and not their competition, which is silly.
Also dont forget the car.
Drive less if its possible. Get a car with good seats, adjustable etc
Standing desk.