
joined 1 year ago
[–] Nikls94 4 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

In the case of Frostpunk, I am not sure. It takes place in a frozen world, but it doesn't have an aesthetic to fit that name so it may just be a title.

[–] Nikls94 2 points 1 day ago

I love the Pokémon franchise, even grew up with it. And Palworld was just a way better experience than let’s say Scarlet and Violet.

Yes, it was made for PC, which is way more powerful than the switch, yet it ran perfectly fine with ~50 fps on high on my 10 year old PC, while the switch struggles to keep 30.

Granted, a lot of the monsters look like amalgamates of 2-3 Pokémon - but they looked good, like Katress, that fire-gyrados, even that Dragonite-Goodra-Altaria mix looks good IMO.

The world was generic, but unique enough to be explored - and it is too big for the amount of Pals that existed.

I had fun with Pokémon as well, but I only got to play the DLC after I finished Palworld. I did not catch the legendary turtle as of writing this comment because the game is just… boringly slow.

[–] Nikls94 5 points 2 days ago

So basically the old “if you don’t know what RAM is, 8 is enough”

[–] Nikls94 2 points 5 days ago
[–] Nikls94 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

… it’s pure bourbon then, isn’t it?

[–] Nikls94 5 points 6 days ago

For long term hydration:

• Alcohol free beer (non-American, preferably German-style, cold)

• water (little lower than room temp)

• unsweetened tea (cold)

For quick hydration:

• sparkling water (littler lower than room temp)

• sparkling water with lemon (not fridge cold but cold)

Oh, and no ice cubes.

[–] Nikls94 4 points 1 week ago

This is the way. And it is waaaay better than “I could tell you… but then I would have to kill you”

[–] Nikls94 4 points 1 week ago

Pro tip: use spotlight to search for people. You can call them right through the search results.

Also, T9 would work as a Watch Keyboard…

Watch OS needs Series 6 or newer (self.apple_enthusiast)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Nikls94 to c/apple_enthusiast

For anyone wondering: all AppleWatches older than the S6 Chip are being cancelled, basically Series 5 and below is dead.

Well then, farewell Series 3. You’ve been a great companion since 2017. I will enjoy the time we still have together, until you finally decorate the rainbow arm when crossing into the big drawer up in the skies. May you be reunited with the Series 0.

[–] Nikls94 9 points 1 week ago

I can think of a German Forest-Fairy, that’s known by name: Holla.

[–] Nikls94 6 points 1 week ago

Sadly, I have nothing good to say, other than the food is delicious.


I've watched the keynote and read some stuff on the internet and I've found this video about a dude talking about the new update (I linked it here because if you didn't see the keynote, this is probably enough)

Is it just me, or... does no one address that Apple does a Microsoft move by basically scanning everything on every machine and feeding this into their LLM?

Cable or adapter? (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 1 month ago by Nikls94 to c/nostupidquestions

Does it make any difference (quality-wise and input-delay-wise) if I use a DisplayPort to HDMI cable directly or a DisplayPort to HDMI adapter, followed by a regular HDMI cable?

Predator (
submitted 3 months ago by Nikls94 to c/lemmyshitpost
Upgrading my Gaming PC (self.pcgaming)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Nikls94 to c/pcgaming

Hello everyone.

My 10 year old computer is not compatible with windows 11 and so I was wondering whether to upgrade Mainboard and CPU to something cheap (I guess not many are worse than my 2014 Intel i5).

I don’t see how much specs are important for changing these parts. My Power unit is capable of -800W and I‘ve got enough Y-Cables to connect all my 6 fans 2 ports if necessary. Btw it’s only ever being used for gaming. Do you have any suggestions?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Nikls94 to c/games

Hello Lemmings!

I've recently finished the whole Xenosaga series and was impressed by it. Even more than by FF 16 (which was... cutscenes and a few good boss fights). This got me thinking: what else are old games that don't get enough recognition? I'm not talking about the Oceanhorns (which was boring tbh) or Hollow Knifhts, which everyone knows about. More like hidden gems you picked up "because" and liked it. In my case this was Blue Fire, a platformer that mixes Celeste's movement and 3D space. Other games I really enjoyed were

Valiant Hearts (WWI point and click)

Light Matter (3D puzzle game)

Cloudbuilt (a fast mirrors edge)

I'm more than happy to read some of your recommendations!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Nikls94 to c/memes
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