Knew a programmer that was near blind who only used magnifier on maximum zoom with his IDE. One of the best programmers I met, but his screen looked very much like that. Don't know how he did it.
Because I don't want to be bombarded with ads and "did you consider this offer" shit and take 5 minutes to use some usability nightmare? Because I do not want to touch a greasy screen that 362 people used today without washing their hands after taking a shit? Because I do not support corpo greed that will not rest until every employee has been fired?
"BUt I LiKe tOucHy fLaSHy SCreeNy!!"
What are you, morons?
Yeah you'll get downvoted, because spending 5k on cold hamburgers from McDonald's ist not something anybody would do. It's something an idiot would do. Everyone with two brain cells would have started calling large restaurants or catering providers and ask them if they can make something happen.
My experience is: If you don't want x to happen with computer systems, make it physically impossible. Cut the internal USB cables or super glue them shut.
Jokes aside this is a real instinct of great chefs - taste everything. I remember seeing a documentary with Gordon Ramsay in which he visited Middle America and investigated the drug trade. In a scene some drug cook mixed diesel fuel with raw cocaine and Ramsay - clearly without thinking- dipped his finger in and tasted it. Instant regret, but he really couldn't help himself :)
It's actually a Caipirinha. I think I remember drinking a freshly juiced one at a bar once.
Forbidden nose boop.
As a German: "First time?"
Little book full of German religious psalms and poetry, printed 1692. Not worth much really, but smells great and is fun to look at. Have to be careful with it though, quite brittle if still in good shape.
Same here. This was such a hostile move I never bought anything "Sony" after that.
Well put, however I find code formatting itself has a shape, texture and smell. How the programmer weaves the patterns of formatting tells a lot about his mind and style.