I wasn't a great cook by any means in college but I grew around a lot of spices. And apparently all the kids loved my cooking. They bought food and washed dishes any time I mentioned I would cook. I felt guilty because all I was doing was adding spices (oh they chopped as well, though I was the only one who could mince garlic and ginger right). But they loved it. I got free food most of college that way.
Seems like a high price to pay just to test who cares enough.
Lol never stand between a teen and their smut. It is a losing battle.
It's always been a thing. And it makes sense. If there is a problem within a tin can 30k+ feet in the air, we are all in it together.
I stole this. And I went hiking after I posted. And now it's got so many approval arrows. I'm famous!
No respect. I wouldn't let him. That's reserved for peeps I like.
But he can suck.... Wait...
He can go have coitus with himself. And even that's too good for him.
Yeah that's a sad and awesome sequence. But this is (IMHO) much much darker. Berserk.
He was born to a dead mother hanging from a tree, and it went downhill from there...
O Griffith. What have you wrought! Guts!!
I never got my master's degree. Meant to but MBA wouldn't mean much in my current career. If you want to be more technical, have you looked into solution architecture type thing? Run the width rather than dive the depth.
I was starting to look into it but a rather lucrative offer into senior management came my way and it was too good to say no to.
You blew my mind. Perfect Blue has been on my list forever. Going to procure it right away. I really like the art style.
I don't really see the point of being mean. Most humans want sex. Just move on to those that want it with you. It's not a rejection. Just a mismatch.
Like high elves