Even the BBC is ~~towing~~ toeing the line.
I, uh, use Kubuntu LTS (--minimal-install
, so no snap
Are *buntu flavors risky for my workstation? Should I be considering Fedora?
Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.
- George Orwell, 1984
The practical ethos of every authoritarian in history (including the self-styled "champions of the proletariat") is:
It's not just that I have a lot; it's that I must always have more than everyone else, and they must be compelled to desire this. Forever.
Pleasantly surprised.
You're correct, but most people are stupid and will down-vote you for your reminder and me for daring to suggest they can't comprehend you.
Try to remember that some people are more interesting than your phone
How incredibly rich that you're trying to tone-police my "attitude" and "high horse", given your replies to me.
Make sure you wag your finger nice and hard while kicking rocks.
I've pinched my nose and voted for Democrats my whole adult life in every election, donated to campaigns, voted in primaries, written to representatives and senators, been a member of a Union, and attended town halls, marches, and rallies. Don't ever talk to me about apathy.
Here are the next contenders for DNC chair.
Here's a site to track congressperson's voting records.
Go to and participate in the candidate forums in January. Ask pointed questions about what their strategy to contend with the GOP will be in light of the recent defeats. Watch who votes for who in the February DNC chair election.
Get the word out and vote in the primaries against representatives who willingly fellate corporatists and/or dance around the glaring failures of strategy, messaging, or are complicit in the disenfranchisement of the working class.
But honestly, anything I say will be just more food for your trolling, or you're butt-hurt when people call out failures and controlled opposition. Whatever it is, kick rocks barefoot.
They perceive men to be threats, nuisances, duplicitous, and generally contemptible, so it's primarily out of fear.
Whether that fear is justified, conditioned, misplaced, or outright misandry is hotly debated, but it's my opinion that the root of it is a very human epigenetic, prehistoric, and primal fear of the "other"; in this case, the "other" is a man.