My sincerest apologies for killing a delectable morning buzz, but my eye twitches due to my slight 'tism when I see the "should/could of" error.
It's not you. It's me.
Could ~~of~~ have made
~~Could of~~ Could've made
I use Kubuntu LTS. Went with --minimal-install
. No snap
to worry about from the get-go.
Many dumb people are too dumb to even realize that they're dumb.
I first started my GNU-Linux journey on a RasPi 2 Model B+. I too remember having to startx
Surface-to-intrasolar-space propulsion technology, in its current iteration, to reach escape velocity is prohibitively expensive.
Currently, we use combustion. My instincts tell me that an "electro-gravitic" paradigm in propulsion is next.
Before that, we must have a revolutionary breakthrough or discovery in our fundamental understanding of physics.
Basically, we're not smart enough and too low on the Kardashev scale to get a decent ROI on such an endeavour.
They forgot sudo
. Also, why not throw in a -v
flag to see your dreams die in real time!
His face... so.. smol.