
joined 2 years ago
[–] Nefara 4 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

I like to make up pasta dishes in sauce with veggies that reheat well. Pasta alfredo (made with butter and parmigiano reggiano) with spinach and pieces of chicken, or red sauce pasta with a bunch of veggies like zucchini, broccoli, onions and even beans, with some olive oil in the sauce. I buy the precut frozen veggie medleys and chuck them in. You can also make egg fried rice with veggies in it, with your choice of butters and oils. Cheese, nuts, dairy, eggs, I agree with other commenters that fat is not your enemy. Sugar and ultra-processed stuff should still be avoided but embrace the butter, haha.

Peanut butter is also fantastic for healthy calorie density and travels well.

[–] Nefara 4 points 6 days ago

Even cellulose and paper bags were tested and had plastics in the glues and binders in the material. Unfortunately you need to look for manufacturers that explicitly say they're plastic-free or buy loose leaf. I have a bunch of bagged tea I bought before I knew, and I've been ripping open the bags and dumping the tea in my infuser.

[–] Nefara 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I was just thinking about this today. Any corporations big enough for us all to know have likely done more bad things than praiseworthy things. Patagonia is the closest I can think of to a good company we may all know.

Costco seems pretty solid. I'm in the northeast US and I feel good about supporting Market Basket. Valve isn't so bad. There ARE some ethical big corporations just trying to do their thing out there and understand that providing the services and products they're meant to is more important than "line go up", they're just few and far between.

[–] Nefara 2 points 1 week ago

Subbed to Enchanterium 👍 thanks for the rec!

[–] Nefara 5 points 1 week ago

Yes! It was such a pleasant surprise on my feed. Unfortunately they said they won't be continuing because of Youtube's enforcement policies around copyrighted material so those videos were meant to be a limited series.

[–] Nefara 27 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Along with Technology Connections, Philosophy Tube, and Primitive Technology, here are my "must watch" subs

Climate Town - Excellent videos about climate change and environmental impact that are insightful and funny

Contrapoints - Well written and meticulous deconstructions of philosophical concepts in media, pop culture and society with a dry wit

Every Frame a Painting - Amazing content on film-making. No longer active, but if you haven't seen it yet, lucky you, enjoy.

Pop Culture Detective - Interesting meta analyses of popular tropes in pop culture

Because I'm into historical clothing and fashion, Bernadette Banner and Abby Cox both do great videos on costuming, history and creating cool stuff

[–] Nefara 1 points 1 week ago

Really loved her video on new Star Trek too, she has very similar vibes to Jenny Nicholson but has a lot of great science material too

[–] Nefara 1 points 1 week ago

Whenever I've needed a big chunk of cash, I make a legendary and sell it. That won't work for everyone but at least at the rate I go through money it sets me up for a long time and makes the effort worth it. Another option for slow and steady progress is flax farming. Park a bunch of alt characters at the circle in Mount Maelstrom with reaper's sickles and then sell vials of linseed oil. For the effort and time it's a good return.

[–] Nefara 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I showed her your post, so here's what she responded with (paraphrased in places)

It sounds like they have some advantages over the average parrot owner, but I would be extremely hesitant to have a parrot (certainly not two) in a house with a little kid and other pets. Parrot bites can be really severe. My buddy's macaw bit through his lip, and my own cockatoo bit through my ex's ear. I absolutely would not want a large parrot around my child... Even though I do love parrots and know what to look for when it comes to hostile body language. I've seen bored macaws try to essentially trick people into getting close enough to bite them. You cannot expect a 4 year old to be able to handle an animal that can easily break their finger. All you are going to do is traumatize your child, then saddle them with an angry parrot who is still around for decades after you die.

Also, having two parrots is not likely to be a good idea. If they hate each other, that's a problem. This isn't like a smaller cage bird where they recommend getting more than one. Then, if they decide they like each other, they have no reason to be tame to the humans.

Typically you end up with a parrot bonding to one human and hating everyone and everything else in the house. That can mean potentially violent jealousy of your child, your spouse, etc. especially after the parrot hits puberty. The reason why the macaw bit through my friend's lip after never having bitten anyone before? He had just kissed his wife and the parrot disapproved.

They need a ton of training so when they hit puberty and lose their baby personality to (sometimes) become violently jealous, they need to know who is in charge. A large parrot should never, ever be allowed to sit on anyone's shoulder. Always keep it below eye level and away from your face. Not only for safety, but because it establishes the human in the socially dominant position.

I mean, sure, there is a chance it will work out... but there are also countless, countless parrots sitting at rescues who go through this exact cycle while breeders convince people to buy babies.

Lemmy may be lacking parrot content, but the other site isn't. You should probably read this thread:

If you insist on caring for a parrot, try fostering a single bird from a rescue and see how that goes first.

[–] Nefara 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

For mac and cheese: medium shells, ditalini
For red sauce pasta: medium shells, rotini
For pasta alfredo: medium shells, fettuccine

So I guess you could say my favorite pasta is potato gnocchi

[–] Nefara 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I'm a lifetime Windows user. I used to have to type run win3.exe on my first computer. I installed Linux mint on my new pc build a couple weeks ago and have been moving in and getting everything set up. Some people absolutely will make the change.

[–] Nefara 4 points 1 week ago

I've been making the switch on my own new PC, some programs I was concerned about can be run ok through Lutris. It's been an adjustment but no regrets

Sail Cat (
submitted 1 month ago by Nefara to c/[email protected]

Still makes me laugh

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Nefara to c/icecream

By far my most consistently asked for ice cream is peanut butter. Our friend circle is increasingly filled with radicalized peanut butter supremacists. It's also one of the easiest to make. I decided I'm willing to share my secrets ;)

You'll need:

Ice cream maker (obviously)
Batter bucket (big mixing bowl with measures on the side and a spout, I use an 8 cup glass one)
Silicone spatula


1 cup smooth peanut butter. I've tried crunchy but the bits don't mix well. Skippy Naturals is my recommendation
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup light cream
2 tbsp vanilla extract
Whole milk

First, stir the peanut butter thoroughly to incorporate any oil that's settled to the top. Pour it into the batter bucket using the spatula until you've roughly reached the 1 cup line when leveled. Add the sugar, and mix. Add the cream in portions, stopping to mix it into the peanut butter as you go to avoid lumps. Add the vanilla extract, and then add whole milk until you reach the 4 cup line on your batter bucket. Stir until homogenous. Optional: pre-chill the mixture in the fridge for a faster freezing time. Pour it into your ice cream maker, and churn for 15 minutes if pre-chilled or about 25 minutes if not, until the ice cream is a soft serve consistency. Scoop it into your preferred containers and put into the freezer to firm up.

Serve with a drizzle of your favorite chocolate sauce. I suggest SMALL PORTIONS. It's extremely rich and you can always go back for more.

If you don't have a batter bucket, I can't recommend one enough. Scooping peanut butter out of and then cleaning the measuring cups is a giant pain. Being able to pour the mixture from a spout is a huge upgrade over a bowl. It's immensely helpful in ice cream making and if you plan on making it more than once in your life just get one already.

Enjoy ;)

Mango ice cream... (self.icecream)
submitted 8 months ago by Nefara to c/icecream

One of my favorite home made flavors is MANGO! Don't try to tell me it should be a sorbet, I don't care.

Makes about 2qts


1 cup light cream 2 cups mango puree or blended frozen mangos 3/4 cup white sugar 4 tbps mango or coconut rum (~12% alcohol) ~3/4 cup whole milk

In a blender, add about 2 1/2 cups of frozen mango chunks and the 1 cup cream and blend until smooth. Add some milk as needed for blending. You should end up with approximately 3 cups of a mango and cream mixture. Pour it into an 8 cup "batter bucket"*. Add the sugar and rum and stir until the sugar is dissolved and you no longer feel grains (can take a minute). Add the milk to get the mixture up to the 4 cup line of the batter bucket, approximately 3/4 cup. Stir, and once it's a homogeneous color pour into a 2qt ice cream maker to churn. It should be in a soft serve state within 15min if you used frozen mango, or 20-25min if you used a mango puree. Remove from ice cream maker when it's the consistency of soft serve frozen yogurt and scoop into containers of your choosing. Allow it to firm up in the freezer for a few hours.

*it's a giant measuring cup that also works as a mixing bowl and it's immensely useful for ice cream making and anything else where you need to end up with a finished product that has to be poured.

The alcohol helps keep the ice cream from freezing too hard since this recipe doesn't have as much fat. The mango rum I use is by Cruzan and personally I can't taste it in the ice cream, but serve to kids at your own discretion.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Nefara to c/[email protected]

For those who missed the trailer:

Don't try to tell me Beyond Earth was a sequel, Stellaris is more of a sequel to SMAC than BE was.

submitted 11 months ago by Nefara to c/adhdwomen

Found myself starting to think about trying some new thing that sounded cool, and realized it might be fun to think about all of the random interests, crafts, hobbies and pursuits I've chased on tangents to my life. It's easy to feel like a bum or a failure for dropping hobbies and that could cause hesitation in starting something new, but on sheer volume I bet some of us have impressive lists. Requirement is that it never made you real dependable income and wasn't a career for you. Aside from that, sky is wide open. It can be something you tried for a few weeks, years, or still do. What's your trail of hobbies?

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