
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

the thing that was funny about it is that Apollo would need to pay TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS a year on average to cover for all the API requests it needs.

Reddit will go forward with this, it will go public and they know that their biggest selling point is user data. Which isn't worth a lot if third parties can access it for free anyway.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

who would win

  • the largest military alliance on earth

  • Dragan

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

I think people have this notion that revolutions in history have been brought about by groups of people that shared the exact same ideology and magically agreed on everything.

This won't, ever, be the case.

We advance our goals by using our voices to influence leftist movements from within, by being radical streams in the big umbrella of "leftism".

I have been a member of the local socialist (socdem) party for a decade, and a local leader in the youth wing. 95% of the times i disagree with the party line. But being there gives me the chance to introduce new ideas, to at least start a debate. Our regional section is the only one that opposed exporting arms to Ukraine, and me and my small clique of radicals are the reason for it. Swiss tanks would be rolling around the Donbass if people like me and my comrades were stuck in our own small ideological sect with 14 members and 0.07% of the vote.

It's not about gloriously leading the people in a long march towards our specific ideals. It's about working in the background to slowly, piece by piece, build a consciousness of geopolitics and class warfare. It's about saying that one sentence that will provoke someone to think differently for once.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

China is too smart and cautious to get itself involved in such a conflict. They gave their token support to Serbia and that's it - nobody in the CPC wants China to be seen as the one stirring up conflict in Europe or elsewhere.

Same reason why they don't (openly) support the NPA in the Philippines and they keep reiterating that they want a peaceful solution to the SMO. China cares about being seen as the reasonable mediator, someone countries can rely on to actually stop conflicts instead of escalating them like SOME countries do

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

And then Iran, Argentina, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Egypt... BRICS will soon be controlling a vast majority of the global economy AND population. It's exciting, we may actually live to see the end of western hegemony

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

the terror attacks in the last decades (such as the one in nice, or the bataclan, or many others) have been our 9/11 in that regard. The fearmongering that came after those was meant to justify heavily armed police (and in some cases even soldiers, i saw them in Milan) in public spaces just like the fearmongering after 9/11 was meant to justify the patriot act.

From in the last 10 years police and military presence has increased MASSIVELY across europe, and nobody noticed because at the time the media made it seem reasonable. And now the emergency is no more, but we sure as hell ain't going back to how it was before just like the US never dropped the patriot act.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

Shit's really looking bad for Kurti when even the americans aren't putting up with his crap.

But what was he thinking? Ethnic albanian majors "elected" with 0-100 votes in constituencies of tens of thousands of people. That's clearly a matter of renegotiating the electoral process instead of giving the Mayor title to whoever was there first. I can't believe the Kosovar goverment thought that that was going to work out.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

What even is the point? Do the taliban actually think they can go in the offensive against Iran? I really don't get what's the plan here

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

I just hate how Italy is seen as a meme in ww2. We committed our more than fair share of atrocities and warmongering, and the global memory of that has been ereased by spaghetti memes.

Besides, negating the contribution of the italian fascist state (and other minor allies, as you mention) helped build this image of Germany being this real aryan supernation who took on the entire allies by itself, and occasionally had to rescue the clueless italians, romanians or hungarians thanks to its muh superior german engineereing/will.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, and it was painfully obvious how the americans were behind it and called it off at the last moment when they realized it was going to fail

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

It has a reason to exist and it is somewhat functional as an anti-imperialist "outpost", i think that under a certain lense it's a good example to showcase the "independence for me but not for thee" western approach to non-western aligned separatism. Highlighting the media treatment of transnistria compared to the one of places like Kosovo is at least somewhat useful in certain debates.

This said, it's essentially a corporatocracy. The power belongs to industrial conglomerates like Sheriff and the president is whoever them and russia can agree upon. It's not really a desireable form of government.

Bonus points for the flag tho

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

speaking as a guy with AVPD and thus with a general difficulty in doing exactly what you describe, i will say that as an adult (read: a person who doesn't get the chance to socialize in school/uni) your best bet is to join a club or any sort of group activity.

The idea of getting on an app is attractive, but keep in mind that that will bring you to meet other people in your same situation - which doesn't really help integration, since you are a person out of the local network meeting other people that are out of the local network. So it's not really the best if your intention is to "integrate" yourself in the new area.

i am into sports so joining a rock climbing course allowed me to meet other somewhat likeminded people. I also got into a group that does experimental archeology (in other words, we study medieval manuscripts about melee combat and we try to recreate what is written there in order to figure out what works and what doesn't, thus understanding better how people actually fought). That's the best kind of group activity imo, as it forces the people present to interact and discuss with each other.

In my experience going to bars and whatnot isn't really effective nowdays, since people go there to meet their friends and not really to get to know new people. But then again i have psychological issues about that so what do i know

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