This can be flipped just as easily. I am noticing that you seem to be viewing the existence of borders in an inherently hostile viewpoint. Do you believe that this country, or any country, could survive if they let anyone and everyone on earth that wanted to come for any reason at any time and without any limits, into the country? Could Canada survive in its current state if 100 million Americans suddenly moved there? Could Tibet or Ukraine survive if millions of Chinese or Russian citizens moved there?
You appear to be implying that nations and national identity is inherently bigoted, which is exactly the thought process in some corners of the leftist world. Anarchy and destruction of existing society is the first step of many policies there.
I would ordinarily love to discuss several of your points as you seemed to request, chiefly surrounding legal immigration, asylum, labor pools, and the painting of all "conservatives" as a monolithic bloc that all personally believe what the worst parts of the Republican party espouse, but I can tell by the vitriol, name calling, and disparaging assignment of who you decided I am for pointing out my own observations of others motivations that this will be pointless. I hope you have a better day going forward.