
joined 2 years ago
[–] Nahvi 3 points 1 year ago

I can't speak for others, but I typically don't use email on the PC. When it is more convenient to use the PC, usually because of an attachment, I will log into the browser version.

[–] Nahvi 8 points 1 year ago

Agreed. I've reverted to HTML mode recently when tethering from my phone. The signal is bad enough sometimes that it makes a world of difference. Gmail was virtually unusable until I realized HTML mode was still an option.

Really just time to bite the bullet and acknowledge that it is worth the hassle to switch away from a company that I don't like or trust.

[–] Nahvi 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ah good catch. I wonder if I saw it out of the corner of my eye and thought I had a sudden "brilliant" idea.

[–] Nahvi 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I don't know how long this has been around, but I feel like they missed a good opportunity to call this the Google Graveyard.

[–] Nahvi 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm sure the victim would love to be charged with a misdemeanor reckless discharge of a firearm instead of the three felonies he is currently being charged with.

[–] Nahvi 112 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Your honor, we the members of the jury request additional information regarding local harassment and assault laws related to the 6'5" self-described "goon" so that we may recommend charges.

Additionally, we recommend the charges against the defendant be reduced to misdemeanor reckless discharge of a firearm.

This kid learned nothing from being shot. He still thinks it is okay to bully random strangers, and is already planning his next prank. If your friends like pranks and you play pranks on each other that is fine.

If you get in someone's face and start demanding they stop thinking of your privates, especially after repeated warnings to back up, then you are inciting violence and sometimes it is going to succeed.

[–] Nahvi 2 points 1 year ago

So, I’d look at both extremes and side with no pineapples ever.

We can't be friends anymore. Go die with all your anti-pineapplist friends!!

Anti-pinapplism is hate. Nearly every act of domestic toppings in Marinara history has been committed by Anti-pinapplists. Nearly every act of mushrooms, green peppers, onions, and even anchovies ever committed in Dipping Sauce history has been committed by Anti-pinapplists.

Teach your children why it is inappropriate to make friends with, keep relationships with or do business with Anti-pinapplists. Marginalize hate by marginalizing me. Wait wut?

Frankly, I think we’re fucked.

Sadly, I think you are probably right. The US and several other major democratic powers seem to be trying to find their own recipes for civil war.

[–] Nahvi 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Glad to hear someone spell this out. Hopefully more people read it.

[–] Nahvi -1 points 1 year ago

I am glad to hear it. Sometimes I wonder what happened to this mindset or if was it an illusion all along.

[–] Nahvi -1 points 1 year ago

And when their stance is ‘trans people shouldn’t have rights’ what’s the middle ground there exactly?

It should be obvious that I was not advocating for a middle ground between two disparate stances on a single issue. I was advocating for choosing issues that we already mostly agree on.

In general, in a democracy, laws should not be created relating to issues that there is little to no agreement on. Trans rights is obviously one of the issues where there is little agreement amongst the population and laws, particularly national laws, should be avoided until there is a strong consensus among the population.

[–] Nahvi -4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Teaching kids to avoid violent and hurtful people is reasonable, but claiming the entire right side of the spectrum is equivalent to them is prejudicial bigotry. Teaching kids to do the same is teaching them the same prejudicial bigotry.

I wouldn’t befriend anyone who supports removing my rights

When you redefine a spectrum of beliefs as "removing my rights" then what you are removing is any ability to continue discourse. Without discourse there is no democracy. At best you end up with the tyranny of majority.

[–] Nahvi -5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I did not say that I had never met a racist or someone who supports bigoted policies, just that I had never met anyone that would admit to being a nazi. The difference being most nazis know they should keep their extremist views hidden.

I have met plenty or racists. For most of them it is subtle and they don't recognize it for what it is. I have never heard any of them advocate for killing everyone on the other side of the political spectrum or eating humans.

remove rights from people for who they are

This is vague and politically loaded. I have definitely met TERFs, pro-lifers, and those that advocate against gender treatments for children, but that is not at all the same as advocating mass murder and cannibalism for those that disagree with their views.

I don't know anything about the group behind those protests. I was vaguely curious about it when I clicked this post but made the mistake of reading the most upvoted comment in this thread.

In my mind there is a pretty big difference between what the article says is the groups stated viewpoint:

“Our primary concern is indoctrination of children in public schools,” the group says on its website. “This movement is mainly focused on protection of children against LGBTQIA+ ideology in school system and not to fight back against the LGBTQ community.”

and these excerpts from OCs own comment and history:

Teach your children why it is inappropriate to make friends with, keep relationships with or do business with conservatives.


Conservatism is the biggest threat to humanity on planet earth. All means to extinguish an infestation are justified.


Not everyone is willing to do what’s necessary to cure the disease. I am willing. If that makes me a monster, then I am the monster they themselves created.

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