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[–] Nahvi 1 points 1 year ago

clothes are ARBITRARY

Total nonsense. Appearance is the true first impression we have of someone. This is a fundamental and common trait throughout mankind. We may not like how much emphasis is placed on personal appearance, but it doesn't change the reality.

This is just the first thing that popped up when I searched "appearance is the first impression" this is not a novel concept and definitely has some (if not definitive) research behind it.

I had never heard of Fetterman before I heard that Chuck Schumer changed the Senate rules for him. The first headline I saw said something like, "relaxes the senate dress code." I was like... why is this news and moved on. Then I saw post here with a picture attached and was like... wait what? At that point I stopped to look into the issue.

If Fetterman had looked presentable but not in a suit, I would have assumed this was more R v D drama to distract from important issues. That wasn't the case. He looked ridiculous.

If I saw someone dressed like this checking their mailbox on a Saturday morning, I would smirk to myself in acknowledgement that I had worn similar stuff to do the same. If, however, I walked into a law firm because I needed serious professional help, and this guy introduced himself as the person I was looking for, then I would either ask if it was his day off or thank him for his time and leave immediately. Someone who cannot be trusted to manage their own personal appearance, also cannot be trusted to manage a serious professional issue for me.

If he is just incapable of telling the difference between looking like a slob and a professional then he needs to have a spouse or a staff member help him out each day. Nothing wrong with someone knowing their limits and focusing on what they are good at.

[–] Nahvi 4 points 1 year ago

Do you mean a clear racial bias in getting elected? Or do you mean that having the wrong skin color or genitals somehow makes you more or less capable of making good decisions?

[–] Nahvi 1 points 1 year ago

While I'm not much of a fan of the word token, it makes a certain amount of sense to apply in her position.

She isn't a token because of her own strengths, weaknesses, or job performance. She is a token because Biden decided that the two most important qualifications for the job were Black and Woman, any other quality was less important to him than those two.

[–] Nahvi 2 points 1 year ago

That is a very good point. A business certainly wouldn't send a salesperson in a three piece suit to try and pick up the business of construction workers if they were smart. Need someone who won't stick out like a sore thumb.

Though, I suppose if you think of the voters as the boss, and the other senators as the people being marketed to, then maybe a dressing to the nines to convince them might be the right move.

[–] Nahvi 2 points 1 year ago

You are preaching to the choir here. I am for the old tax, tag, and regulate. Not just alcohol, but virtually any drug excluding antibiotics. Its still a growing city though so most people must not mind that badly.

[–] Nahvi 1 points 1 year ago

Probably, unless people thought they could make it five miles but not twenty-five, and decided to go for it. Not that anyone that drunk ever had good enough judgment to not drive the twenty-five.

[–] Nahvi 0 points 1 year ago

That's a good point. Assuming 3 shifts a day each for weekdays and weekends, there would need to be 6 cops on duty all the time to utilize that roster. Maybe 4 in cars and 2 watching the drunk tank?

[–] Nahvi 2 points 1 year ago

Sure thing. Not like there aren't plenty of small towns in Texas that have a history of speed traps.

I might even be underestimating the amount of speeding tickets that get written in the area, but I was more than a little surprised not to see Tyler or DWIs mentioned.

I have some family in the area. I will have to try and remember to ask them if they have heard anything about it next time I talk to them.

[–] Nahvi 13 points 1 year ago (9 children)

This article could probably use some context as it is pretty misleading currently.

Coffee City is about 25 miles from Tyler, a city of about 100,000 people. You can't buy liquor in Tyler stores, only beer and wine. Until relatively recently, there wasn't even liquor sold in bars in Tyler. For the last 40 to 50 years, Coffee City has been the main place to go for liquor. Coffee City is basically two liquor stores on the far end of a mile long bridge. The article mentions a couple other stores in town, but I didn't notice them last time I was there.

I am not a fan of the excessive Police State that the US has become. Furthermore, it is very clear that there is some kind of corruption is going on in the Coffee City police force itself where they are hiring problem cops.

That said, these cops aren't there to police Coffee City residents. They are there to catch the constant stream of drunk drivers coming in from Tyler. I don't have the numbers but I wouldn't be surprised if 95% of their income is from DWIs given to people crossing the bridge.

In this particular case, discharging all those officers is probably a significant public danger. People are probably going to end up dying over this if the county or state don't send officers to cover the bridge area.

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