
joined 11 months ago
[–] NJSpradlin 2 points 20 hours ago

Yeah, you’d hope they’d be sorry about it. But, no. My boss had a phone conversation with their boss and then we discussed it this morning. They’re on their toes, so we’re going to continue like we have been until everything blows over. Short, guarded and professional.

Yeah, I got promoted from one region to the other, 4 hours away. I bought a decent home a few years ago with a really good interest rate and the value is up about 75k. I’d rather not sell it. Which means I’m living in a room on our footprint. It’s not unheard of in our industry, so much so that we even have a name for it; “Geo Bachelor”.

[–] NJSpradlin 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I’ve spent the work week stuck at the office, and have the weekends back at home, since the new year. This one has been the worst one yet. I’m taking every Friday off for the next few months, so this is the last day of the week for me. But, it’s still rough. It’s been a train wreck.

For example, there was an issue I inherited from someone else. So, when the next higher ups at regional asked about what was going on, I explained in detail what I was handed and what very limited timeline I had to get it running to meet its deadline. Not to make something perfect with more time, just to get it out the door. Then this individual didn’t read my detailed response and asked the same question again. So, I copied that small portion that originally answered her question (removing the deep dive explanation) out of my prior email, added ‘like I said in the below email’ because she added a CC of her boss to it, escalating for some reason, and I did the same for my boss, and I wanted to make sure that the new comers knew what I had said and was saying… and then her boss responded back asking about why I had ‘attitude’ and why I didn’t do it ‘right’ the first time.

I didn’t have attitude, and I didn’t start the project, I just made sure we got it out the door in the very limited time period I had. That mission wasn’t going to wait for me, so I made sure we completed it. The email was a concise and professional. She didn’t read my last one with detail on what lead to the problem, and her boss didn’t either, before they jumped down my throat about it. The last hour yesterday, that I could have been using elsewhere on other projects, was sitting in my boss’ office as he explained to them the same situation I did and that having read the email chain himself he absolutely sees what I meant and how I meant it. If these guys would have just called and asked… instead of putting people on blast…

Anyway, I’m still in my room at the office putting off getting up. I’m going to skip my work out and get Starbucks instead, for the second time this week. Fuck it.

[–] NJSpradlin 29 points 2 days ago

Not if he gets into the White House. Every crime they are still doing won’t matter when he doesn’t give up power this next time.

[–] NJSpradlin 8 points 3 days ago

The right is underfunding libraries across the country (in the US), attacks like this would or do already further stress libraries when they’re already financially vulnerable. This does have a huge impact on this particular library.

[–] NJSpradlin 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I will say… that I heard rumor of price fixing in the rental market and the DOJ investigating it, link below from a quick google search. I haven’t really dived deep into that topic, but it’s there if you’re interested in a little read.


[–] NJSpradlin -3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Thank you for the nuanced response.

[–] NJSpradlin 0 points 5 days ago

Hey, man. Take that up with ol’ Lucas over there.

[–] NJSpradlin 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Only the Sith deal in absolutes, my friend.

[–] NJSpradlin 8 points 6 days ago (16 children)

Betty and Bob who are in their sixties, and Bob who still does all the maintenance on the apartment, aren’t the bad guy. They’re renting out a portion of their property because society failed them, because the capitalistic elite failed them, and they don’t have the safety net they should have already had to carry them through their retirement years.

It takes five seconds to realize that mindlessly saying ‘ALAB’ removes too much nuance here. Big corporations that are buying up the land and putting out overpriced apartments? Pricing out the community that lives there? Yeah, absolutely. Pass me a pitchfork and I’ll jump in behind you. But all of this ‘A*AB’ stuff gets nonsensical very quickly.

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