I've tried that one but I'm not a fan of the swipe to engage because I'm cack handed and keep accidentally up- or down-voating or bringing up the reply box as I scroll. I know other people like that interface though.
Is always a trap, just not necessarily the trap we expect.
if you're taking about ff7, that might be down to square more than anything.
Extra fabulous
The comments of the article make some good points too. The premise is both more complicated and less interesting than the more we'll received titles, and it just seems much less fleshed out.
I'm using thunder which is available for both ios and android. https://github.com/hjiangsu/thunder/releases
I love her feets too! So damn cute with those socks!
Aww, she must have been miserable
I liked the first few books, but it hints at a larger story that doesn't go anywhere. I got fed up with being teased and lost interest in the characters. Been meaning to go back though.
I second this. Hamilton often uses similar technology and themes and this is my favourite version of his take on the future of humanity. Definitely epic
Most of those have not been a 5 year wait lately. Some are 1-3.