What’s a tankie?
joined 2 years ago
Could be you got given a gold award recently? That gives you a week of ad free browsing. Some awards give you Reddit premium
Could be you got given a gold award recently? That gives you a week of ad free browsing. Some awards give you Reddit premium
Ahh yes. The Automatic Tip Machine.
Man, I’m so glad I’m here. Seeing all the cool things and excitement from the community reminds me of the early days of Reddit. This looks really awesome!
I wish it was as easy as it was when we were kids and on the playground. You would just show someone your sweet dinosaur toy and ask them to play with you and boom friends for life. Or until mom got tired of sitting in the bench. Whichever happened first.
It started with me using a profile picture with a hair on it to cause a “mystic smear” when someone would try and wipe their phone screen but now it’s just my name lol.