The hats that say “Vietnam vet” or “first cav” or have an OIF ribbon on it or whatever
This required a study? What a wast of money. Like funding a study to find out if boobs are good.
Every time I see someone with one of those fucking hats on (you know the ones) it makes me cringe so hard. Like those dudes who get there basic training company tattooed on their arm, or even worse, a combat patch tattoo hahaha. You now how many fucking boots got first cav tattoos after deployment? Lol. POGs everyone of them.
That’s absolutely right. My interest in mushrooms led me to read a book about shiitakes(the mushroom at the end of the world). In my excitement I ordered some to make with my ramen at lunch(in a carpenter I have a medical card for weed. How the fuck does that make me a criminal? Wanna talk about mushrooms, man? Because I have a hell of a lot more to say than “they get you high”. Me and all my grand kids hunt for them all year long as they are learning what they are called, which ones are useful, and which aren’t. Your just as wrong and arrogant as you could possibly be. Edit: do I look like a drug user? You know exactly what I look like probably. Picture that but keep me kind of handsome. Is that different than a pig fucking with a black dude because he’s black? I’d bet you would hate that.
Reality check? Wow. You don’t know what the fuck you are going on about. Because your experiences have been 9 out of 10 positive you think others need a reality check? I spent two weeks in fucking jail for SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS.
I believe you have just solved the opioid crisis, sir.
I have no need for those weird anime fan clubs. Like that chainsaw shit. Or holo-whatever
For fucks sake
A good butcher would never cut from the wrong direction, bro. Against the grain.
Do y’all know how many times I got as an answer to my question? Used to piss me off but then I learned how to use the wiki. Lol. Thanks arch iRc!
Shhhh. He is legend