Smoogs. $10 says at any given time, your hand are dirtier than my balls! (I’m a firm believer in hand washing, btw, But it’s the disgusting fucking environment, not my nut sack that is gross)
I did too! Was her name “Mom” by any chance? Small world! Common sense taught me that “murder” happens in pretty obvious circumstances. Having my own kids taught me that I would kill a mother fucker super fast if they presented a threat to my wife or kids. Learning is fun.
They didn’t want a tenor. What can they say?
Shooting as many “refugees” in the face coming for my shit until I run out of ammo and am eventually overwhelmed sounds like a pretty metal way to go. This is fun! I’ll call myself “Burt” and I’ll get a dog a name him “Samason”. I’ll have a huge garden full of pumpkins and butterfly flowers.
I scrolled back up and was immediately overwhelmed with anxiety
I didn’t down vote you. I was just talking shit. I don’t give two fucks, brother man.
I really think it might be a toss up. Good chance that bitch Hillary would have been just as bad
I had a conversation with my partner once while working as a medic on an ambulance. He told me being gay was a choice and that they were sinners going to hell. All I could answer with was “so your telling me that every day you have to tell yourself ‘no. I choose not a to suck a dick. Not today.’ Because personally I’ve never had to choose” He became so angry that I had zero doubt he has thought about sucking dick.
Dude. You are so full of shit. You sound like a real self righteous piece of shit. There is one fucking mention of Psilocybe cubensis and it’s in a comment about Pleurotus ostreatus. And what the fuck do you want? Am I supposed to use a bunch of mycology words? Arbusculsar? Mychorrhizal? Do I have to go on about the proper names for the morphological features? It’s not a stem. It’s a stipe. My favorite mushroom is the chanterelle because I find it beyond fascinating that they repel pest with an unknown mechanism (you will only ever find a slug on one. Now bugs. So delicious). Your a prick
Fucking Christ.
So..umm..your saying if you woke up a women you would immediately have a penis installed?