🎶 Ich will dass hier nix passiert 🎶
🎶 Ich will dass ihr Abgas reduziert 🎶
Didn‘t we have a process to electrically synthesize hydrogen out of water?
I prefer the 32 bit signed integer underflow in my favor.
Me: 🎶 Welcome home! I‘m gonna make you wish that you‘d stayed gone! 🎶
You don‘t get it. Moses just beat the enemies with the stone tables to really hammer in the rules. It‘s not his fault the people are dying of the injuries.
Ich werde die Abstimmung wie ein Fußballspiel verfolgen
I‘ll make my own meaning of life. With blackjack and hookers. You know what? Forget the hookers!
Same as it ever was
Another reason to kick Trump to the curb: A CD burner named after Trump would suck
Distracted Boyfriend Meme but with Daria (made by Christo-LHiver on DeviantArt)
(snaps gummigoo out of existence)