
joined 2 years ago
submitted 5 months ago by MuttMutt to c/scuba_porn

Hey all, had a camera get lost later on in another dive so lost a ton of footage but figured I should still try to put something out. It's also a pain to be diving with a group, wish I could afford my own safety diver, 8K camera, and boat for diving but I am just a broke guy who wants to teach people to dive for free with YouTube as my funding source.

[–] MuttMutt 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Just sign out and remove all the youtube cookies and the adblockers still work just fine. Sign in when you want to comment or use another browser that is signed in and never watch the video on that browser. Simple solution. Another option is watch the video by right clicking and opening in a "new private window" instead of watching while signed in. That works really well until you want to comment.


AWESOME dive, tons of interesting and different fish around, got to see some wild lionfish (which are invasive in this area) taken off the reef and fed to some toadfish so it was really cool to see. Did I mention there is a HUGE eel surfing the reef as well??

Oh and sorry it's a little wobbly, a couple days later I lost a camera and the more stable footage, this was a camera mounted to my mask mainly just so I would have more footage and could pull the best stuff to make the video.

Anyway I am also trying to start a non-profit where I will be able to teach others whom have been through traumatic experiences and/or are low income to dive for free and hopefully even be able to provide them with a basic gear set along with their certification.


Awesome dive, in fact the first time I have ever seen a shark on a reef. Honestly didn't expect that when I booked the dive but it was awesome to see. I can't wait to be back down that way again to do some more dives.

Anyway I am also trying to start a non-profit where I will be able to teach others whom have been through traumatic experiences and/or are low income to dive for free and hopefully even be able to provide them with a basic gear set along with their certification.

Scuba Diving in Antigua! (
submitted 2 years ago by MuttMutt to c/scuba_porn

I was a little disappointed in this dive as there really wasn't a lot to see compared to some places I have been. Don't get me wrong I would absolutely dive there again since time underwater is time underwater, but it would have been nice to see more than I did.

Anyway I am also trying to start a non-profit where I will be able to teach others whom have been through traumatic experiences and/or are low income to dive for free and hopefully even be able to provide them with a basic gear set along with their certification.


Whelp, this is what I would consider my first true dive. Before this it had all been training dives, certification dives, and some pool practice dives. Boy was I green, lol. Not a ton of footage as a lot of it is moving around way too much. Maybe sometime I will release some unedited video's for others to see but who knows.

Anyway I am also trying to start a non-profit where I will be able to teach others whom have been through traumatic experiences and/or are low income to dive for free and hopefully even be able to provide them with a basic gear set along with their certification.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by MuttMutt to c/scuba_porn

Dive was done in October 2019 long before I considered posting video's on YouTube. It was also very early in my diving so the footage is a bit wobbly but I have gotten a lot better and my first dive which was the day before this one in Cozumel has a lot less footage...

Anyway I am also trying to start a non-profit where I will be able to teach others whom have been through traumatic experiences and/or are low income to dive for free and hopefully even be able to provide them with a basic gear set along with their certification.

[–] MuttMutt 2 points 2 years ago

Well I am glad that helps. The first time I was on a ship was a little surreal for me. Liberty of the Seas was amazing to me and I now have a total of 21 nights on her. Even now there are little things that I don't remember but did do a ton of looking at deck maps and watching video's which helped me get around the ship even though I was often in a bit of a fog. I figure if it worked for me then it will be a good way for people to help themselves as well as I don't advocate spoon feeding people every little bit but do my best to teach them how to spoon feed themselves, LOL.

And thank you, losing my wife was even worse than losing a son at 9 days old. I will honestly say that I still feel the pain a lot of days and it is a struggle to get through but helping others when I can and getting out of the house to do things helps me a ton.

[–] MuttMutt 1 points 2 years ago

Head on over to Vacations To Go and take a look at Radiance of the Seas departing September 1st 2023. It's currently 36.00 per night per person for 7 nights plus taxes and fees.

FastDeal # 37714

7 nights departing September 1, 2023

Royal Caribbean ❘ Radiance of the Seas

Brochure Inside$1,166

Our Inside$349

I use Vacations To Go for most every booking and most of the time they also have a 50.00 onboard credit for each stateroom. The 90 day ticker is great if you can pick up and go whenever. But the older ships heading out at points in time where others don't really want to go are pretty cheap. I sailed out of Fort Lauderdale on Vision of the Seas which left out on Black Friday 2022 for 10 nights and paid 1400 for two people with taxes and fees included. I have seen them for less at some points but right now ships are running at capacity so it will be harder to find those deals.

[–] MuttMutt 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

No problem.

The first time I went on a ship was October of 2019 about 6 months after my wife passed away. I loved it but never figured I would be able to go again since then I have been on 3 more cruises and have another one booked. I made it to Emerald point level as a couple of those were double points. It can be a ton of fun but any time you end up dealing with a ton of people it can be a pain.

The best things I can suggest is finding a video somewhere of the ship you will be on so you can get an overview of things before you even get onboard and make sure everyone has the Royal app and studies the deck maps a bit.

I am guessing you already read through but this post has a ton of little things that will help with navigating the ship. Personally I have been on 3 different ships and will be adding a 4th on January 8th when I sail out of Galveston on Voyager of the Seas. Liberty of the Seas was my first cruise and I spent a total of 21 nights on that ship. Adventure of the Seas was 5 nights with my girlfriends son so he could take a trip and see a few things. And my last one was 10 nights on Vision of the Seas.

[–] MuttMutt 3 points 2 years ago

One of my favorites is setup with a large (1242 LED's) WLED strip on my front porch. I have a motion sensor that is setup to trigger a switch to a bright white when the strip is on or if we get home and the presence detection picks us up and sets the strip to stay that way for a certain amount of time. The strip has a few different random settings that it can use when turning on as well so one night it may be a rainbow and another night it may be a solid color that walk around the strip changing one LED at a time. Comes on automatically at sunset and turns off at 11pm but until 6 am the strip can still come on with motion or presence detection.

The other one controls my electric water heater. I have 3 temp sensors, one near the top heating element location, one near the bottom element heating location, and a third on the water output line. The original temp controllers are still in place and set the maximum temp so the tank can never go over acceptable levels even if the ESP8266 fails in an on mode. Then I let the temp ramp down at a certain time of the evening and ramp back up in the morning for use throughout the day. But lets say you come home late and need a shower, when the output temp goes over a certain point after the system has started to ramp down it will kick the heater back into it's regular mode until the temp drops below a certain threshold. It also uses the HA app to track where we are located and I have two zones that keep the water heater going, those are home which just barely covers the property and near home which is within about 30 miles of home. Once everyone who is tracked goes outside of those zones the temp ramps back down to the overnight setting and ramps back up when we get into the near home zone.

I have a ton of other things I want to implement like lights that turn on red automatically after a certain time of day so you can walk around at night and not kill your night vision. Right now I am working on the house as the electrical, plumbing, and a ton of other stuff needed work. But when I am done my cheap old $18K house will be a fully integrated smart home.

[–] MuttMutt 1 points 2 years ago

Thank you very much.

I am migrating a couple of communities over from Reddit and have been removing most everything there with links to my posts here so that others can still find help. I am what would be referred to as a wounded healer. I lost a son at 9 days old and my wife of 10 years was gone one morning when I woke up. Since then I have had a hard time dealing with a lot of things but found that I love being in and on the water which helps a ton so I started making some posts about things I have learned there.

I will eventually be migrating over some of my SCUBA related stuff as well as some of my DIY stuff. I hope that Lemmy will be a better place to be overall for me vs Reddit.


Having knowledge on a subject like bereavement is helpful but processing the grief is much more than knowledge.

I am personally very smart. I don't like to toot my own horn and rarely tell people that I have a high IQ. I also know the stages of grief and knowing the signs and being able to handle them are two different things. It can often feel like standing on the railroad tracks in cement shoes with a train coming at you as fast as possible. The train is coming and you know it's going to get you if you don't get out of the way but at the same time you can't get out of the way fast enough to not be hit.

Most of the time when things are coming the best thing you can do is get yourself to a safe place where you can be comfortable and have support to get through it. That can mean heading home and going to bed or finding a quiet place. It could mean being in a situation where you have friends and loved ones around to help. Everyone deals with grief and loss differently so how they deal with it will be as varied as there are people on the planet.

You have to find your "safe place" for yourself and do your best to utilize it when needed. But remember that it's not always going to be feasible to drop what you are doing and head to your safe place. I personally found a lot of help in talking to random people as well as posting here for those who need the help. I am truly a wounded healer and want to help others through their grief while also helping to relieve some of my own grief as well.


Not long before creating this subreddit my wife passed away.






It's been a tough couple years since then but something has changed for me. I have found someone to spend time with, got to go on a trip, and started something to help me sleep, relieve pain, and feel a little bit better. I am not a person who likes taking anything as many family members have been some sort of addict. I saw their lives go to crap over what they enjoyed and now they are either deceased or in prison and their kids are on a pretty bad path as well.

With that said I have to say that sometimes you have to get outside help, especially if you have thoughts of self harm. A trusted friend, a pastor, a counselor, random people, a partner, someone, anyone.... You also need to potentially be willing to go to a doctor and get some help that way as well. I don't advocate the "a pill for everything and for everything a pill" lifestyle that the drug corporations want you to have. But if you are not sleeping, in constant pain, or dealing with major depression after a loss you deserve a little relief. I have a general bedtime routine that includes taking something to help me sleep and something for pain. Taking that gives my mind a little bit of a reprieve which helps the depression to lessen a little bit. A couple days ago something happened and I felt full of energy, happiness, and contentment. I don't know exactly what happened but it was like a switch flipped and everything is right in the world. I can honestly say I don't really ever remember feeling this good.

So PLEASE look for some outside help. I talked to strangers quite a bit and have found someone I enjoy being with whom I can also talk with about things. With that and the medication I feel like a changed person and hope that it lasts for the rest of my life since I have already spent most of it so far feeling like nothing will go right for me.


Someone who has gone through a major loss will still be dealing with a lot of emotions for years to come. They will also often be lonely and searching for someone to connect with. It's not for everyone and will be a lot of work so please don't fake interest and then drop them as you will do MUCH more harm that way.

If you do have genuine interest then please understand that EVERYONE has some sort of baggage and losing someone you loved dearly is a lot of baggage. However what you gain from that while giving understanding is something you will never experience otherwise. Don't get angry if the name of their loved one who was lost slips out either. It's not done on purpose but shows that they are dealing with their loss and you have likely reminded them of something good that they are missing.

I have personally called my girlfriend my wife's name a couple times on accident and I shake my head and apologize because it's not what I truly meant to say but it's the name my brain reached for in that moment. Sometimes it's hard to deal with but having someone who understands makes things so much easier to deal with.

[–] MuttMutt 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Nextcruise does have some discounts available and other things that make it worthwhile as well but it's not always the case. But for a lot of people the ability to put a 200 deposit down and make small payments is better than throwing 900 on a credit card. By all means if you have $$$ in the bank do whatever works for you but if you are like me and I am sure a lot of other people the lower the deposit the better. Also most deposits are nonrefundable, so using NextCruise I still only have a 200 deposit that is nonrefundable vs the 900 I would normally have on a 10 night cruise.

But if you have thought about it and want to see the world on a budget I would highly suggest trying one. I mean where can you stay in a 4 star hotel with meals and entertainment included for around 60 per night and get the chance to visit a country you have never seen before? I regularly look for rooms in that price range and while every single one will not be in that area you can still beat the cost of flying and staying at a resort when you don't even know that the area is like other than pictures and stories from other people.

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