I’ll believe it when I see it. Jameis is an obvious upgrade over Watson, but he’s still a known quantity: someone who will match every great throw with a boneheaded play soon after.
Because it has a library of interesting and innovative exclusives, making use of an unusual control input. Whether that makes it worth it or not is personal preference, but you can’t disagree that it offers something unique.
The only reason AW2 happened at all is because Epic paid for its development. Hate on the Epic store all you want (it deserves a lot of it), but it’s one of the few instances where it actually makes perfect sense that it’s an exclusive.
Because improving visuals is an easily quantifiable task, but improving gameplay requires creativity and risk-taking, neither of which are compatible with the AAA business model.
Yep, early 2000s in the UK and everyone was using MSN. I didn’t know a single person using AIM or ICQ!
Yep, this is the app I use on my work MacBook and it does the job. Just a shame it’s necessary at all - such a stupid design decision!!
Neat start - what’s your plan for gameplay?
Funny how this is posted to World, but it’s an exclusively American phenomenon. I’m in the UK and haven’t had to use my physical signature to pay for anything for about fifteen years, let alone something as trivial as a restaurant bill.
I think the intended use case is summarising a series of messages, not just one
Battle royale where 10k players synchronise their Nintendo Alarmo alarm clocks, and whoever gets out of bed last is eliminated
This was lovely! Are there any other communities that share interesting posts from small blogs like this?
You didn’t read the article, did you?