That's why I love the "Octopus" episode from season 2. It's a reminder that not all parents can't be like Bandit or Chilli, but we can play into our strengths and be creative on how to use those strengths to be a better parent.
Alternative plot point: The hero/es keep traveling back in time because everytime they kill a potential Nazi leader, someone worse ends up taking its place. We are left with the timeline where Hitler eventually takes that spot because it's considered the "best"/"least destructive" timeline.
Because Bluey is not just a "kid's show". It's a family show that can be enjoyed by the whole family regardless of age.
Those who skip the intro deserves a Chattermax in their house
Comparing Muffin to Spez? THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!
A Filipino Corporation
You have one cow. You drink Ginebra. You have two cows.
Identity theft. He pretended to be Shaun and Magic Claw to get close to the Heeler children.
Always has bean.
... or a work from home arrangement
Where are the days? I haven't beaned in 3 poops!
"glow up."