Do you all still feel like that? That breaks my heart honestly, there has to be a shift. I thought that stigma was starting to come down with the younger generation in recent years but maybe I’m off
So I would never cry in public (I almost never cry really) and I think I have just as hard of a time asking for help carrying anything as a guy would, I’m not even sure I’d have an easier time accepting the help when offered. Even when I had a broken foot I remember a guy from across the street waving me down and offering to help me carry whateve bags I had with me and I was like “thanks I’m fine!”, but I totally could have used the help. So maybe it’s just my perception that nothing is different for me..? I mean I see the obvious differences in the way guys behave towards us vs other males (and honestly I like the chivalry when it happens) but I guess, as I think about it, I don’t attach different rules to myself.
The meat cleaver thing cracks me up though!
I’m here and happy to answer but I honestly can’t think of anything! Do you have any examples of types of things you’re looking for?
Yeah this has been an interesting thing I’ve noticed too as I age, I feel very regulated emotionally and even-keeled. I find it quite refreshing
Was this one on the news? This is very very familiar
I’ve had 3 of these toilets for the last 4 years and I never knew you could COMBINE flush?!
Oh please, next you’re going to say we actually need carbs too, pffft
Well good morning to you sir!
Oh! Hubby is a mountain biker, he will be delighted to hear of the calf appreciation
Oh I had not considered the gods! Curses…
What a horrible way to live, to be suspicious of cheese