Is this the first Nobel laureate to run a country? How bloody amazing. Well done Mexico!
I'm on a combo binge. Recently I read an obituary for CJ Sansom, a writer of historical detective fiction. I'd never heard of him, but the books sounded good so I started reading them. Next thing I see there's a TV series, Shardlake (Disney+), so now I'm watching that. Pretty well done, and the lead actor is great. (On to the third book in the series now.)
Last time I was in the mosh pit was a Pogues gig. Might have been hit by Shane MacGowan's spit. Totally worth it.
Wordle 1,076 5/6
It looks bad, but I actually enjoyed it, because I had to work it out. It would have looked more impressive if I'd got it in four though!
Where I'm from it's called "squeezing the lemon". Mash that pedal! Ha ha. The best bit is when you catch up with them stopped at the next set of lights.
I my (extensive) cookie experience, double chocolate usually means the same amount of chips, but the dough part is also chocolate flavoured. Hard to tell in this instance, but the "double" cookies may be a shade darker.
This is the correct answer. It's how ships avoid running into each other. When whoever is steering the vessel is facing the bow (front, usually the pointy bit), port is their left, starboard their right. Ship's running lights are red on the port side, green on the left. So if you're out on the water at night, you can immediately see whether a ship is coming towards you or moving away. The rule for passing an oncoming vessel is "port to port", thus avoiding confusion and collision.
Sitting up in bed I would consider the headboard the stern, because I have my back to it, and the foot the bow. So the area to starboard is right, and portside is left. Ahoy maties!!!
Beekeeping. Just don't start is my advice. Don't get fascinated by the little buggers and their life cycle, don't get hooked on honey. Don't sit by the hive entrance watching the foragers come and go. Don't spent hours reading books and blogs, watching videos and browsing catalogues. Don't talk to other beekeepers. Don't take classes to expand your knowledge, don't take exams, don't get into microscopy to further expand your knowledge. It's too late for me - save yourselves!
I found out what was going on from Yahoo! Lol.
And that's a real dagger tucked into his sash. (I learned a bit about fighting Sikhs from reading Neal Stephenson's Termination Shock, and watching a load of YouTube videos.)
The dark side of the moon isn't dark, btw. It gets as much light as the other side.
Cheese and marmalade, the sharper both are the better. Mmm.