For safety and security of dictators around the the world, so its easier for them to identify critiques.
I like how toie treating the finale.
Was thinking no way color laser printer gonna be that cheap
Lamo that was funny dont know why, Kaku can't catch a break.
Business that changes price during contract can fuck off. It literally doesn't make sense, I signed a contract agreed to pay discussed price for the duration of the contract. If you gonna fucking change the price make it non contract where customer can leave without exit fee. This should be illegal.
Acting like all countries in the world only have one side, good or bad and nothing in the middle.
Everything possible with time.
Those are shit deal, can get full fiber 1gig for £30. £17 for 300mbps is definitely a good deal.
Good explanation and lines in with why iPhone get years of support as they have full control of hardware and drivers.
Do you live in different UK than me? Never seen those price to speed before.
Wtf man, they should rot in jail for life.