Spider-Man fans in general.
By "always work" I was referring to them not needing to be charged. I don't know how many times I've pulled out a pair of wireless headphones that I haven't used in a while, only to discover that they're dead. With wired headphones, you plug them in and they work. That's it. No fuss, no muss. Plus, if you're using them with your phone and your laptop, you don't have to worry that your headphones might still be connected to your other device.
Is it available in the US without having to be specially imported? I ask because if I get a defective one, I’d really like to be able to exercise the warranty instead of just taking the hit, which is one of the reasons why I didn''t buy a Fairphone 4. Well, that and the headphone jack, but you already know about that.
That's why I prefer wired headphones and my Pebble smartwatch. Wired headphones always work! Okay, yeah, my watch does need to be plugged in just like any other smartwatch, but only every few days. It's a shame the company went bankrupt and was bought out by Fitbit, which was later bought out by Google.
Well, to be honest, I'm using an iPhone 6S. I want to switch to an Android phone, but I really want one with a headphone jack, an easily-replaceable battery, /e/ support, and good enough specs to last several years with multiple major OS updates. The Fairphone 4 looked great until I found out about the headphone jack being absent. Well, that and if anything was wrong with it, I'd be screwed. I've read about enough Fairphone defects to not want to have one imported.
I came pretty close to buying a Sony Xperia 5 III about six months ago, but I decided against it due to the battery being annoyingly difficult to replace.
What does CSA stand for in this context?